A Palestinian Security Commander with his Israeli counterpart (Photo: @yonibmen - Twitter)

Tensions between the Palestinian Authority and Israel are on the rise. Following the highly publicized arrest operation carried out by the Israel Defense Forces in Jenin yesterday, in which close to a dozen terrorists were killed in an exchange of fire with the security forces, the Palestinian Authority has announced a pause in 'security cooperation' with Israel. 

The PA has either failed or simply not tried to enforce its end of the arrangement with Israel. Jenin is supposed to be policed by PA police and security forces, however, in a city filled with militants aligned with factions other than the ruling 'Fatah' party, their presence has been scarce. This reality often results in Israel having to conduct security operations like the arrests yesterday of militants who were about to launch a terror attack.

"There is no more security coordination. The leadership decided to go to the Security Council to implement the decision to protect the Palestinian people, go to the International Court of Justice and add a case on Jenin," said Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for Palestinian Authority Chairman Abu Mazen. The senior member of the Fatah movement said, "the Palestinian leadership will take decisive steps.”

On the other hand, after assessing the situation, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made it clear that Israel is not looking to take part in this escalation, but instructed the security forces to prepare for any scenario in the various arenas to ensure the safety of the citizens of Israel. Egypt, Qatar, and the UN are holding talks with Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and the factions, "in order to restore calm after the events of Jenin", According to a senior anonymous Fatah official who spoke with the Palestinian newspaper "Duniya Al-Watan". Qatar is a major funding source for Hamas and other militant groups and offers safe haven to suspected terrorists who have 'blood on their hands'.

The source also added that the Palestinian Authority "was stunned by the crime committed in Jenin, and called on the mediators to stop the massacres against the Palestinians." Palestinians often neglect to include information in their statements of victimhood such as the video evidence of the dead engaged in active combat against IDF forces and instead portray dead militants as innocent victims.

The source added that the UN and Egypt are holding talks with the factions in the Gaza Strip to prevent the situation from escalating, especially after the factions warned  they "will not stand idly by and the response will be painful." The source further noted that the various Palestinian organizations are examining how to respond to the Jenin events and that the mediators are waiting to see how the situation will develop.

The source, who preferred to remain anonymous for security purposes, told the newspaper that "we have learned, from an informed source, that Egypt and the United Nations, along with Qatar, are in continuous contact with the occupation, the Palestinian Authority, and the factions, in order to restore peace after the massacre in Jenin. The PA is calling to stop the massacres of the occupation against the Palestinians n all their places of residence, especially in the West Bank and Jerusalem.”

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