Benjamin Netanyahu & President Mehmet Debi of Chad (Photo: @netanyahu - Twitter)

The warming of relations between the African country of Chad and Israel along with the news of its neighbor Sudan moving forward with its Abraham Accords agreement that includes peace with Israel has Hamas on edge, which was once a close ally to both African nations.

In a press release issued by Hamas, it was stated that "Chad's decision is contrary to the general African position that fights against colonialism and advocates for supporting the Palestinian people's right to struggle to realize their freedom and right to self-determination by ending the last fascist racist colonialism in modern times."

Hamas added that they "completely reject normalization with the occupation" and call on Chad to "reexamine the decision that contradicts the position of the people in Chad over the years and their support for Palestine and the righteousness of its national goal, in order to protect the interests of the peoples of the region, and to prevent the occupation from prolonging its life and to encourage it to commit more violations and massacres against the Palestinian people; against the holy places of Islam and Christianity."

Hamas’s statement comes as the Muslim-African country opened its embassy in Israel and its leader, Mahamat Deby,  was warmly welcomed by Netanyahu, along with many military and government officials. Netanyahu said in a statement "We believe that the cooperation between us can help advance not only our relations and cooperation but is also part of Israel's return to Africa and Africa's return to Israel. We have common goals of security, prosperity, and stability.”

Meanwhile, in Sudan "significant step", in Israel-Sudan relations was reported. The Sudanese media cited Israeli sources who spoke of progress in negotiations for Sudan's peace talks as part of the Abraham Accords. As recalled during his previous tenure as Prime Minister, Netanyahu strengthened relations with Sudan, when the then Minister of Intelligence who now serves as Foreign Minister, Eli Cohen even visited the country in anticipation of Sudan's possible accession to the Abraham Accords.

Iran's proxy organizations, led by Hamas, once had a significant presence in Sudan. Hamas's UAV expert, engineer Mohammad Al-Zuari, who was assassinated according to foreign sources by the Israeli Mossad in Tunisia, spent about six years in Sudan, where he concentrated on developing Hamas's aviation capability.

For years, Hamas used Sudan as a transit station to smuggle high-quality weapons to the Gaza Strip from Libya and Iran. Convoys that smuggled Iranian and Libyan weapons from Sudan to the Gaza Strip were destroyed by Israel several times, according to foreign sources, proof of the extensive activity that the Iranians and Hamas are doing in the country, which is now interested in joining the countries that maintain normal and constructive relations with Israel.

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