Nasrallah said Israel will not pass its 80th birthday

Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah, recently delivered a speech in which he spoke of the internal conflict and protests taking place in Israel in regard to the judicial reforms the Netanyahu-led coalition is trying to pass. The Hezbollah leader in his speech also wished death upon the Israeli state and hoped the current protests will lead to Israel not reaching its 80th birthday. 

In a videotaped speech projected onto a giant screen in Beirut, Nasrallah said that the internal situation in Israel is unprecedented and the Israeli government is pushing for internal conflicts, in addition to a conflict with the Palestinians that may expand to the entire region.

Nasrallah drew encouragement from the violent discourse in Israel and said that "for the first time since the establishment of Israel, we hear the president, former prime ministers Lapid, Bennett, Olmert and Barak and former defense ministers talk about the civil war and bloodshed and do not produce a solution to the challenges posed by the new government." He added that groups are organizing in Israel that want to leave for the US and other countries, and said: "The biggest threat to us in the region, God willing, will not complete its eightieth year."

The Secretary General of Hezbollah further claimed that the Israeli public's trust in the army and the political leadership has been lost, as well as in the judicial system. He quoted the words of President Herzog who said: "We are all worried about the State of Israel. The explosive barrel is about to explode."

Nasrallah also referred to the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria, saying that "we are facing a great human tragedy, and what happened is a test of the humanity of every person, party, association, and country." However, Nasrallah for obvious reasons did not mention the tremendous role Israeli forces had in rescuing trapped civilians and treating both Turkish and Syrian wounded. 

In regards to the policy adopted by the US towards Syria in recent years, Nasrallah said that "the American administration has exposed its brutal face", and added: "The American administration let people die in the first days of the earthquake through its sanctions on Syria. There was a two-faced behavior at many different levels in dealing with the consequences of the earthquake in Turkey and Syria." Nasrallah has been in hiding since the Second Lebanon war in 2006.

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