Gilad Erdan & The Israeli delegation at the UN Security Council (Video Capture)

The UN Security Council convened late Monday for a special discussion on the issue of the Middle East and the Palestinian issue following the Israeli government's decision to legalize nine outposts in Judea and Samaria and promote further construction in existing settlements. The council planned to vote on a statement of strong condemnation, but after American mediation between the parties, it was converted to a Presidential statement on behalf of the council. In return, Israel agreed to commit to freezing any further settlement regulation, according to Netanyahu’s office.  The United States joined in affirming the watered-down statement.

The Council issued a statement in which it expressed "deep concern and dismay" at the Israeli announcement about the construction in Judea and Samaria. "The Security Council reiterates and emphasizes that the continuation of Israeli settlement activity dangerously jeopardizes the viability of the two-state solution based on the 1967 [border] lines," it said.

In the presidential announcement, it was further emphasized that the status quo must be maintained in the holy places in Jerusalem. "The Security Council calls on all parties to maintain calm and restraint and to refrain from provocative measures, incitement, and inflammatory statements, with the aim of curbing the escalation, building trust, and demonstrating a commitment to a two-state solution and creating the necessary conditions for peace," it said. 

The statement was supported by all 15 members of the Security Council, including the US. This is the first time in nine years that a statement of this type has been published on the Israeli-Palestinian issue.

The Israeli Prime Minister's Office stated in response: "The UN Security Council issued a unilateral statement that denies the rights of Jews to live in our historic homeland, ignores the Palestinian terrorist attacks in Jerusalem in which 10 Israeli citizens were murdered this month, turns a blind eye to the fact that the Palestinian Authority subsidizes terrorism and pays the families of terrorists, and dwarfs the antisemitism that led to the murder of millions of Jews. The statement should not have been made and the United States should not have joined it."

Israel's ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, spoke at the Security Council's special discussion on the Middle East and the Palestinian issue, and harshly attacked the council members who gathered to condemn Israel. "This meeting was once again initiated to condemn Israel. This time, for issuing building permits in already-existing communities. Building permits in our homeland sparked an international uproar, while dead Jewish children illicit nothing. This is an utter disgrace."

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