The Israeli Minister of Finance will visit Washington, and pass by the White House, but will not be allowed to enter it. After US State Department spokesman Ned Price called Bezalel Smotrich "irresponsible, offensive and disgusting" after the Minister of Finance wrote, "wipe out Huwara" after two brothers were shot dead in the Samaria-based Palestinian town. The White House officially announced Thursday night that the chairman of religious Zionism will not meet with his American counterpart Janet Yellen or with any official in the US government.

Despite this official boycott of an Israeli member of the Knesset on behalf of the Biden administration due to what is defined by them as incitement, Antony Blinken openly met with Abu Mazen, the orchestrator of the Munich Massacre, on his recent trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

On Sunday, Minister Smotrich will arrive in Washington for the first time since he was appointed to his position in the new government and will participate in the annual conference of the Bonds, the governmental society for raising funds from Diaspora Jews. At the beginning of the week, after the murder of the brothers Hillel and Yigal Yaniv from Har Bracha in Hawara, Minister Smotrich caused a stir when he "liked" a tweet by the deputy head of the Samaria Council David Ben Zion in which he wrote, "the village of Hawara should be wiped out today".

On Wednesday, Minister Smotrich was asked about his support for the post of the deputy head of the Samaria Council, and said: "Why did I like the tweet? Because I think the village of Hawara should be deleted. The state is the one that needs to erase Hawara." 

The US State Department strongly condemned Smotrich's words, and department spokesman Ned Price said that it is an irresponsible and repulsive statement, and amounts to incitement and violence. He even called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to condemn the minister's words.

In recent days, there has been a growing protest among the liberal Jewish organizations in the US ahead of the Treasury Minister's visit to Washington. J Street, the Conference of Presidents, and the  Jewish Union of Reform Communities called on the Biden administration to boycott Smotrich and not to grant him an entry visa following his statements about Hawara and his extreme positions against Minorities and the LGBT community.

At the same time, more than 330 leaders of conservative and reform Jewish communities throughout the US, have already declared that they will boycott the leaders of religious Zionism in the new government, and will not allow them to visit their communities or speak in their homes.

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