Iran can strike Israel with ballistic missiles from their mountain bases inside Iran

While the world is worried about Iran's progress toward nuclear weapons, an Israeli intelligence report reveals the additional capacity that the Revolutionary Guards have developed to launch ballistic missiles and cruise missiles at Israel from bases built in the mountains in the heart of Iran.

In a video that clearly describes the capability, military bases in the Isfahan mountains are deemed capable of targeting Israeli cities. In the previous nuclear agreement signed with the Iranians, they are prevented on the one hand from advancing in their nuclear capability, but on the other hand, they have no barriers to advancing their ballistic capability.

The report, analyzed by researchers at the Alma Institute for the Study of Security Challenges in the Northern Arena of Israel, presents a fascinating documentation of the reality beyond the borders. These days, senior members of the United States military are making their way in order to promote a series of meetings with their counterparts here in Israel. Not only is the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff heading to the Holy Land, but also the secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin.

In Israel, they have argued for years that Iran is not a problem for Israel alone, but a problem for the entire Middle East, and in recent years the tone in Israel has become harsher, and today they are talking about a regional and even global problem. The connection of the Iranians to Russian President Vladimir Putin and their military support for the Russian army, which does not stop its attacks in Ukraine, only strengthens the alliance between Israel and all opponents of Putin.

The Americans are well aware of Israel's capabilities, especially the military, and are updated on Israel's preparations for a possible attack on Iran and do not rule out the possibility of a situation where they will have to help Israel advance in the preparations through military aid of refueling planes and extra equipment.

In the documentation of the Alma Research Institute, one can clearly see the determination of the Revolutionary Guards to put ballistic capabilities in front of Israel with missiles that are aimed here and can reach and strike. The race for a nuclear weapon is one that brings the Iranians to pose a real threat to Israel. If it is decided there to advance to a nuclear capability, Israel will not have enough time to advance such an attack, and therefore a discussion on the issue with the Americans is extremely necessary and urgent.

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