Israel celebrates Holocaust Remembrance Day April 17-18

In preparation for the upcoming Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel that begins Monday evening, an extraordinary performance powered by Artificial Intelligence was presented for the first time in Tel Aviv, bringing back to life six victims of the Holocaust who told their personal stories through the initiative of the “Shem Vener” association and in collaboration with the Tel Aviv Municipality. The performance that took place Sunday evening in the center of Dizengoff Square, revealed to the general public another side and way to get and know those who perished during the Holocaust.

Among the six perished who had AI breath life into them for one day, Anne Frank spoke of her tough experiences. The AI depiction of Frank showed her reading from her diary which was published as a book by her father and gained great popularity around the world.

Janusz Korczak was also one of the voices that were heard throughout the Dizengoff Square compound. During the early 20th century, Korczak was an activist for children's rights and equal rights in Poland. The orphanages he founded and managed with his partner Stefania Wilczynska were among the early attempts at democratic education that also included a children's court. During the Holocaust, when it was the turn of the Jewish children of his orphanage in the Warsaw ghetto to be sent to Treblinka, he refused the offer to be saved alone at the “generosity” of the Germans, and chose, with Wilczynska, to go to Treblinka with their apprentices where they would all be exterminated.

Ruha Shaar Vaknin, CEO of the Shem Vener association, said in a statement ahead of the AI-developed presentation "We are excited to present in the public space for the first time the story of those who perished in the first person, which, unfortunately, they did not get to tell while they were alive. This year we decided to put emphasis on the young audience with the aim of instilling from an early age the memory of the Holocaust to future generations, even when there are not many survivors left in the world."

The Holocaust Memorial Day in Israel, marked annually, will begin at 6:00 PM on Monday. A ceremony held at Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, in the presence of President Yitzhak Herzog, the head of the opposition Yair Lapid and the president of the World Zionist Organization Tova Dorfman will be broadcasted on all Israei News channels.

At 8:00 PM the official State rally will begin in the Warsaw Ghetto Square at Yad Vashem in the presence of President Herzog, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, the heads of the security establishment, and other senior officials in the political establishment.

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