A CCTV screen capture of the terrorist (Photo: Israel Police)

The Israel Defense Forces and the internal secuirty service known by its acronym "Shin Bet" announced Wednesday morning that they had arrested the terrorist who carried out the shooting attack yesterday in Sheikh Jarrah in Jerusalem. The attacker was named as Ibrahim Zemar, a 15-year-old boy from the village of Askar near Nablus.

There were no casualties to Israeli soldiers during the arrest. The son of one of the wounded in the terrorist attack, 60-year-old Rabbi Moshe Yosef Haas, told Yedioth Ahronoth reporters that his father “did not understand what had happened at first, and he initially thought it was stones thrown at the car. After that he started to feel terrible pain and he realized that they were shot," he said.

It turns out that hours after the attack, Zemer uploaded to his Facebook story footage of the attack itself, thereby making the work of the Israeli security forces far easier. "The terrorist linked himself to the incident already in the initial investigation," the IDF spokesperson said in the announcement.

The Askar refugee camp in Nablus, where the boy was arrested, is considered extremely violent. In the same place, the sons of the terrorist Abdel Fatah Harusha who carried out the shooting attack in Huwara, where the Yaniv brothers were murdered in February, were also arrested. The terrorist attack in Sheikh Jarrah took place Tuesday at 07:30 AM when the terrorist opened fire at two visibly Hasidic Jews. One of them was moderately injured, and the condition of the other was described as stable and moderate.

In the video of the Holocaust Remembrance Day attack, the terrorist is seen approaching the vehicle and opening fire from point-blank range. The attack happened 500 meters from the Jerusalem district court building. After the shooting, the terrorist fled toward the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and extensive searches began for him. During the searches, Israeli forces were spotted inside a mosque, and next to a kindergarten, following different tips. Images of the search spread on social media portraying the Israeli search as some attack against Palestinans and Muslims.

Meanwhile, Police Commissioner Yaakov "Kobi" Shabtai praised the Israeli security forces, including the Border Patrol troops who are under his command, for their work hunting for the terrorist. "The rapid response at the scene, and the coordination of agencies that has been proven time and time again to be a winner between the Israel Police, the Border Patrol, the Shin Bet, and the IDF, led to the quick arrest of the terrorist. From the first moment that the police forces from the Jerusalem district and the Border Patrol jumped to the scene of the attack, we combined the use of many forces, and together with accurate intelligence we managed to get our hands on the terrorist," Shabtai said. The Commissioner added, "Let every terrorist know that the vast reach of the security system will reach wherever one could escape and hide."

While the terrorist's own hubris led to his arrest, it was the work of a cyber team that spotted the Facebook post and traced it.

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