Facts on the ground over Hezbollah's violation of 1701 (Photo: @Israel_Alma_org)

The audacity of the terrorist organizations surrounding Israel has been increasing recently, as evidenced by the recent wave of terrorism, and confirmed by Defense Minister Yoav Gallant who said Thursday afternoon in a briefing for military reporters that Israel needs to change its approach in the fight against Hezbollah and the other terrorist organizations if it wants to defeat them. However, the most concerning part is an Israeli think-tank's exposure of Hezboallah on Israel's border, and from what it looked like, they were training for a cross-border mission.

The Alma Center for the Study of the Israeli Northern Arena from a defensive point of view recently documented an unprecedented event on the Lebanese border, a few kilometers from the homes of the Israeli town of Zerait. A training drill conducted by Hezbollah, which included the use of gunfire and explosives, simulated the occupation of a military post or Israeli town on the other side of the border.

Hezbollah's presence near the northern border fence, which is contrary to UN Resolution 1701, is nothing new, but today the organization no longer hides itself and its activities under the guise of an "environmental quality organization" as in the past. Israel also understands that the audacity of the defiant exercise stems from the fact that the Iranian funding allows Hezbollah and Hamas greater room for maneuver in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip. 

The Defense Minister admitted to the latter in his briefing to reporters: "This is the end of the era of limited confrontations. We are facing a new security era, in which there may be a real threat to all sectors at the same time. We have operated for years under the assumption that it is possible to have limited conflicts, but this is a phenomenon that is disappearing. Today there is a noticeable phenomenon of the convergence of arenas." According to Gallant, Iran is the driving force in the convergence of the arenas, as he put it. "It [Iran] transfers resources, ideology, knowledge and training to its emissaries."

According to the data of the defense establishment, Iran transfers to Hezbollah over 700 million dollars a year and also supports it by transferring knowledge and strategic weapons. Iran budgets about 100 million dollars a year for Hamas, and it gives tens of millions of dollars a year to the Islamic Jihad.

Iran also invested several hundreds of millions in the Iranian militias in Syria, and billions in the Assad-Syrian regime. To the Shiite militias in Iraq, it transfers weapons and pays salaries in the hundreds of millions, and to the Houthis in Yemen, it allocates hundreds of millions of dollars. "The growing dependence of all the systems on Iran makes them stretch their boundaries in front of us and be more daring," Gallant noted.

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