Police secure the scene of the terror attack (Source: @EBluemountain1 - Twitter)

Five people were injured Monday afternoon at the entrance to the bustling Machane Yehuda market in Jerusalem after a car driven by a Palestinian zig-zagged the street aiming to harm as many as he could. The terrorist, who was shot dead by an armed civilian was named as Hatem Nijmeh, a father of five and a resident of East Jerusalem. A preliminary examination ruled out any mechanical fault in the vehicle and later police reports confirmed that the man's actions were indeed acts of nationalistic terror.

Magen David Adom medics and paramedics provided medical treatment to five victims; a 60-year-old man in serious condition with multiple systemic injuries, a woman in her 30s in moderate condition and fully conscious with limb injuries, and three other men with minor injuries. After first aid treatment, the injured were transferred to different hospitals in Israel’s capital. The attack took place a few minutes before the start of the Israeli Memorial Day which is traditionally a solemn day of mourning.

According to reports of the incident, the terrorist drove his vehicle to the main intersection next to the famed open-air market where he clearly accelerated and deliberately maneuvered his car to hit a number of pedestrians, some of whom were crossing the road. After trying to escape with his damaged car, which had a victim still on top of his hood, Hatem short-stopped in a likely attempt to get the unconscious man off his car. At that moment, an armed citizen who was there and noticed what was happening fired at the terrorist and neutralized the “active threat”.

Eyewitness Ruti Cohen told  “Israel Hayom” reporters: "I heard shots, ran outside, and saw the terrorist shot and people fleeing. Right from the beginning I understood that it was a terrorist attack. There was a lot of commotion and people were in shock until the police arrived and drove away the curious."

A Hamas spokesman welcomed the ramming attack and said: "The heroic ramming in Jerusalem comes in the context of the response to the crimes of the occupation and the violations of the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the latest of which was the invasion of the prayer hall at Bab al-Rahma, and the cutting of the electricity there. The Zionist occupation will continue to pay a price for its crimes and invasions of the mosque Al-Aqsa, and will not enjoy security or stability. Our people will continue their uprising and the defense of Al-Aqsa."

Shortly after the attack Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, at a Jerusalem memorial ceremony for fallen Israel Defense Forces soldiers and victims of terror, referred to the attack in Mahane Yehuda. "A few minutes ago, not far from here, another attempt to murder the citizens of Israel. This attack, in this place, at this moment, reminds us that the Land of Israel and the State of Israel are still paid for with great suffering.

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