A mural memorializing Adnan (@PalBint - Twitter)

Sheikh Khader Adnan, one of the leaders of the Islamic Jihad in Judea and Samaria, was found early Tuesday morning unconscious in his cell at the Nitzan Detention Center after being on a hunger strike for 86 days. After medics administered CPR and tried other lifesaving methods, he was pronounced dead at the nearby Assaf Harofeh Hospital.

Just hours after Adnan's death, sirens sounded in Kibbutz Saad near the Gaza Strip indicating a rocket launch. Israel Defense Forces later informed reporters that three rockets were launched from the Strip, and landed in open areas. About an hour after the launch of the rockets, there was also a shooting attack focused on cars driving in Samaria, and as a result of that attack, a 39-year-old man was slightly injured by broken glass.

Adnan, who was 45 when he died, came from the village of Araba near Jenin, He was arrested by Israeli security forces for the thirteenth time in his life on February 5 of this year and was imprisoned for the tenth time. He went on a hunger strike shortly after, and this was the fifth time in his incarceration history that he went on a hunger strike in prison. He was being detained on suspicion of membership in a terrorist organization, supporting terrorism, and incitement; according to the prison guards he "refused to undergo medical examinations or receive medical treatment" while refusing to eat food.

Adnan's lawyer, Jamil Al-Khatib, accused Israel of medical negligence. "We demanded he be moved into a civilian hospital where he could be properly followed up (on). Unfortunately, such a demand was met by intransigence and rejection," said the lawyer in a conversation with Reuters.

Even after this morning's rocket launch, the Islamic Jihad threatened revenge for Adnan's death. "All options are open to the opposition for a response to the crime of murder," said the terrorist organization's spokesman. The organization also announced a general strike in the West Bank and Gaza: "Sheikh and Commander Adnan died of a crime for which the responsibility rests on the shoulders of the occupation that arrested him and ignored his suffering and acted against him in ugly crimes, and he will pay the price for this crime," the Palestinian Jihad said.

"Adnan was one of those who paved the way for everyone who supported freedom in Palestine and the whole world." Palestinian media later reported that the military arm of the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip was on alert, but the recognized terrorist organization did not officially confirm this.

Hamas has also threatened to respond, and the terrorist organization's spokesman Hazem Kassem described Adnan's death Tuesday morning as a "cold-blooded execution." According to him, "the Palestinian people will not be able to pass this crime in silence and will respond accordingly. The path of revolution and resistance will escalate."

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