A Hamas victory poster celebrating the An-Najah election win

The Hamas terrorist organization, which aims to increase its influence in the Palestinian cities under the rule of the Palestinian Authority, managed to complete a significant achievement: the An-Najah University in Nablus was painted in the organization's green color after winning an internal election against Fatah.

The elections at the university, which had been considered a stronghold of Fatah, began Tuesday at eight-thirty in the morning with the ballots closing at three thirty. 68 polling stations were scattered throughout the campus to enable the election of the association's 81 seats. It should be noted that while not always offering the finest higher education, Palestinian university politics have been used as micro of the broader political system dynamic as well as a recruiting center for the various terrorist squads and organizations. 

As done in every election, one by one the representatives of the student cells of the various parties took the stage to present their views. At the end of the counting of the votes of the Islamic bloc, the Hamas student cell overcame the Fatah student cell and won 40 seats against Fatah’s 38 seats. The terror group Popular Front (PFLP) won the remaining seats.

The difference in victory is less important than the moral significance. For the first time in six years, Hamas has defeated Fatah at the university. Abu Mazen's deputy, a Nablus local, Mahmoud Aloul, who encouraged the students to wear Fatah’s yellow colors and anxiously awaited the results of the elections, did not help prevent the loss either.

The election campaign at the university started a few days ago. Even before the elections, Hamas operatives appeared in uniform, carrying weapons around the campus, holding green flags and posters showing the organization's founder Ahmed Yassin and Jihadist hunger striker Khader Adnan along with other terrorists.

During election day, the supporters of the Fatah organization, with the yellow flags, walked around the campus armed while carrying the image of Yasser Arafat and Marwan Barghouti. As soon as the election results were announced, shots began to be heard outside the campus walls. The Fatah victory banner, which was deployed ahead of time, was removed and a Hamas banner was dramatically revealed underneath it.

For fear of riots, the university management announced that classes in the coming days will be held remotely via Zoom. At the Al-Aqsa Mosque, candies were distributed on the occasion of the victory of Hamas in the student council in Nablus, another sign of the strengthening of Hamas at the expense of Fatah and the Palestinian Authority.

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