Emergency responders respond to Neve Tsuf attack (Image: Midabrim Tikshoret - WhatsApp)

A busy night for Israel's security forces as several militant attacks in both the north and the south of Samaria caused injuries to civilians and soldiers alike.  The most serious of the wounded appears to be a Palestinian child caught in the crossfire of terrorists and Israeli forces, however, as of now, the details of what happened are still unclear.

A soldier was slightly injured Friday morning by terrorists' gunfire near the settlement of Shevi Shomron. The soldier was apparently injured by shrapnel caused by the shooting and was treated on the spot before being taken to a hospital. The Israel Defense Forces stated that the shooting was carried out from deep within the city of Nablus at soldiers in a military position near the village of Deir Sharaf. The soldiers returned fire, and the IDF forces are conducting searches in the area.

The shooting attack comes after terrorists fired last night at an IDF position near the settlement of Neve Tsuf, also known as Halamish, within the Benjamin Regional Council along Route 465 about twenty-five kilometers northwest of Ramallah. It was initially suspected that the terrorists' shooting resulted in the injury of two Palestinians, including a 3-year-old toddler who was mortally wounded along with his father, Youtam Tamimi, who is in stable condition.

However, after an initial investigation, the IDF stated that the two were apparently injured in the crossfire that ensued when IDF soldiers returned fire at the terrorists who were shooting at the relatively quiet Israeli community established in 1977. It is unclear if the father and child were hit by Israeli fire, however, given the statement, it is something that Israeli investigators are considering. The Israeli army has opened an investigation after claiming incidental responsibility for the retaliatory shooting. There were no casualties reported on the Israeli side, however, according to i24 News, the three-year-old child and his father were wounded by the terrorists.

MDA teams, with the help of an IDF medical force, gave the wounded medical treatment on the spot and performed prolonged CPR on the toddler. After they were successful, the IDF helicopter launched to the scene of the incident and evacuated the toddler to Sheba Hospital in Tel Hashomer outside of Tel Aviv in 'unstable condition'. At the same time, the Red Crescent evacuated the father to a hospital within the Palestinian Authority. The Israeli hospital, among the world leaders in pediatric care with its Schneider's Children's Medical Center and trailblazing trauma unit, informed reporters that the toddler's condition is serious and that he is currently sedated and ventilated.

The boy's father, Youtam Tamimi said: "We were at the entrance to the house, I didn't know there was a military checkpoint outside. Suddenly several shots were fired at us, my son was hit by more than one bullet." There is a static checkpoint east of Neve Tsuf that patrols the divide between Israeli and Palestinian territory, however, it is currently unclear if that is the checkpoint Tamimi was referring to or one set up by militants within the Palestinian village or something else.

A senior medic with the Magen David Adom emergency response unit, Gadi Amiton added: "Residents in the community (Neve Tsuf) heard the sounds of gunfire and reported the incident. We arrived at the eastern entrance square of the settlement and saw the man and the toddler lying on the sidewalk suffering from gunshot wounds. We immediately started medical treatment that included stopping bleeding and bandages. The man was evacuated by a Red Crescent ambulance to the PA, and we performed CPR on the unconscious toddler. Alongside a military medical force that arrived on the scene, we fought for his life until his heart started beating again. We coordinated a point with a helicopter that landed nearby, and it evacuated the toddler to the hospital when his condition was serious and unstable."

From the statements of all, it is unclear if the father and son were struck in the initial barrage of shots fired toward the Israeli community or in the counter-fire by Israeli forces stationed just outside the community near a junction that separates Arab and Israeli communities on the eastern side of Neve Tsuf.

The Judean will update this story as more information is revealed.

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