Ayalon Prison where Moti Cohen's killers are being held (Photo: @YWN - Twitter)

Ahead of the convening of the special parole committee which will discuss this Tuesday afternoon requests for early release of prisoners serving life sentences; the family members of the late Motti Cohen who was killed over 20 years ago by a Palestinian terrorist, will protest outside the courthouse hearing chamber. 

In January 2001, Cohen was helping his mother renovate her house and for that purpose employed both Palestinian and Israeli-Arab laborers. One day, when Cohen went to the bank in the north-central coastal city of Hadera to withdraw money and pay his employees, the workers kidnapped him and took him by force to Caesarea sand dunes, where they murdered him and mutilated his body.

The main convict in the heinous crime, the terrorist Ashraf Bin Masad Al-Boirat, submitted a request for early release which will be heard today, in anticipation of which his family members announced that they would demonstrate in front of the hearing hall. In the letter that the family members sent this morning to the Prime Minister and the ministers, in collaboration with the "Choosing Life" forum which aids families of victims of terror, it is written: "We implore you in every way possible to do everything in your power to prevent the release of the abominable terrorist from prison."

Cohen's brother wrote in a letter that "the mere raising of the possibility that the cruel murderer will be released from prison keeps us awake at night. The murder he committed was so cruel and gruesome that the task of identifying the body was particularly complex and difficult." According to them, "Motti, a humble and salt of the earth man, who only wanted to renovate our mother's house,  even promised a financial bonus to the workers who would finish their work on time. All of this did not really interest his killers, who, solely because he was Jewish, kidnapped him from the family home in Hadera, and murdered him with indescribable cruelty."

"Under these circumstances, we ask that you exercise your power in order to keep the murderer Ashraf al-Boirat in prison for the rest of his life. He is a man who has been proven to be dangerous to society, and we have a real fear in our hearts that if he is released, he will return to murdering and harming Jews. As a bereaved family that has reluctantly joined the circle of bereaved families, we ask you not to leave us alone, and to do everything in your power so that, God forbid, no more families join this terrible circle of blood."

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