97 Arab citizens have been killed this year due to Arab on Arab violence

Five people were shot dead Thursday afternoon in the village of Yafia near Nazareth, in an incident caused by a conflict between rivaling criminal gangs in the Israeli-Arab sector. According to the report of the medical officials, the injured were taken to the English Hospital in Nazareth in critical condition and unconscious, where they were pronounced dead.

Senior medic Ataf Salem and paramedic Maor Atgadi from the Magen David Adom motorcycle unit said: "We arrived at the scene with large forces and saw that it was a very difficult scene. Five wounded lay unconscious and suffered serious injuries to their bodies. We put the injured in ambulances and intensive care vehicles and evacuated them to the hospital when they are in critical condition."

The Israel Police stated that a short time ago a report was received about a shooting incident at several people in the city of Yafia. Israel Police officers were on the scene, conducting scans to locate the suspects in the shooting, and have begun an investigation into the circumstances of the case. Police Commissioner Yaakov Shabtai visited the crime scene as well. On his way to the arena, the Commissioner received an overview of the incident from the head of the northern district Shoki Tachocha.

At the same time, the Israel Police opened an investigation into a shooting incident at a business in Kfar Kana, which is also close to the city of Nazareth, from which two residents of the village were seriously injured and were taken to Furia Hospital. The police were rushed to the scene, with the background of the incident also being a conflict between criminals.

Local sources stated that the killer in the village of Yafia entered a shipping container located in a car wash complex, where the five victims met, shot them with an automatic weapon, and then fled the scene. Five people died in the shooting; Naim Regiye, Abu Naim Regiye, Ilya Regiye, Louis Abu Rajab, and Ibrahim Shahada. It is believed that this is the continuation of the conflict between the criminal organizations of the Bakri and Hariri families.

Since the beginning of the year, 97 people have been murdered in the Arab-Israeli sector. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu referred to the murder in Yafia and said that "We are determined to stop this chain of murders. We will do this not only by reinforcing the police but also with the assistance of the Shin Bet. I am determined to bring in the Shin Bet as an aid to the Israel Police against these criminals, against the criminal organizations, against these murders." Netanyahu added that there is a series of meetings this week on this issue with the security, justice, and police authorities. "I intend to continue next week and reach a quick response."

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