Israel Police respond to a shooting near Nazareth

The terrorist organization Hamas issued a statement amid the ongoing rising crime and homicide in Arab society within Israel and pointed to the Israeli government as being responsible for the situation. "We in the Islamic resistance movement Hamas follow with great concern the chain of killings and crimes among our people in our occupied territories of 1948, which have resulted in more than 100 victims since the beginning of this year."

The organization accused Israel of working hand in hand with criminal elements in order to harm Arab society in Israel: "The death was caused by the deliberate neglect of the police and the non-intervention of the occupation authorities to stop the crime and the silence on the part of the occupation while illegal weapons enter and spread among gangs and organized crime groups and the involvement of the Zionist security services in these gangs with the aim of weakening the social fabric of our people and dividing it by spreading chaos and terror among society."

Also, Hamas called on elements in Arab society to take responsibility to stop the deaths. "We consider the occupation authorities to be fully responsible for the crimes that are happening before their eyes. In the face of these crimes, we call on the masses of our people within the occupied homeland, on the institutions, personalities, and national forces within it, to act by virtue of their national and religious role, to prevent the escalation of these crimes and not allow the Zionists the opportunity to damage unity Our people. We call on them to take the national and social measures and approaches required to prevent crime, to make civil peace in order to preserve our existence and the Palestinian identity on our land that we received with sweat and blood."

Hamas further tried to create a sense of national unity and noted that "During the years of conflict, our Palestinian society in the occupied territories created the shield for our identity, for our Palestinian national struggle and for the holy places of Islam and Christianity, centered on the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. The Zionists seek to harm our people and national unity by Spreading crime and chaos."

Hamas’s statement comes after the end of last week when six people were killed by gunfire in the Arab sector; five people were murdered on Thursday in a criminal attack in Y'fia, near Nazareth and another person was shot dead while driving on Route 4, near the Kasem Interchange. Crime and violence in the Arab sector reached another negative peak with the number of people murdered in Arab society since the beginning of the year doubling in comparison to the corresponding period last year.

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