Mohand Shahada lies dead after killing 4 Jews in Samaria (Photo: @qudsnet-Telegram)

The terrorists who murdered four people near the Samaria-based Israeli community of Eli on Tuesday afternoon, Mohand Shahada and Khaled Sabah, from the village of Orif, had already been in the Hamas wing of Megiddo prison about three years ago but served very light sentences. Shahada was sentenced to two months in prison for throwing stones, in the months of August-October 2020, while Sabah was sentenced to four months in prison, which he served in the months of July-November 2020, for participating in disturbances and creating makeshift explosive devices. This designation includes Molotov Cocktails and gas bombs.

Shahada was shot dead by a civilian at the scene of the attack near the gas station, while Sabah fled north in a vehicle he stole at the scene of the shooting in the gas station. The same vehicle was found abandoned towards the end of a hunt, which led investigators to find Sabah riding in a taxi in the village of Tubas where he was killed. Both terrorists were claimed by Hamas as being members. Shahada had recently graduated from Birzeit University where Hamas just won a major election.

Wednesday morning the Israeli security forces began mapping the houses of the two terrorists in preparation for their demolition. The forces operated throughout the night in the village to counter terrorism, while interrogating suspects and scanning the buildings, and confiscating a lathe for the production of weapons. In the activity, three wanted persons were arrested and transferred for further investigation by the security forces. According to the Palestinians, one of the detainees is Ihab Shahada, the brother of one of the terrorists.

The two terrorists who carried out the attack arrived at the gas station which had a popular Hummus restaurant on the premises, in a black Chevrolet. After exiting their vehicle, they fired standard American M-16 rifles indiscriminately toward people filling their cars up with gas and those sitting inside the restaurant. A person who was there said that the vehicle "remained on and there were also knives in the car."

The brother of the armed citizen who killed Shahada at the scene described the incident on Twitter: "My brother flanked one terrorist and shot him with 10 bullets until he fell." The brother added: "My hero brother. I was filling up  gas and my brother was inflating the tires. The children were in the car. Suddenly a car with Arabs approached us with a suspicious look. His son wanted to inflate the tires with him, but my brother was suspicious and asked him to stay inside. Suddenly doors open and they unload with an M16 and start To shoot. To murder Jews. The children continued to lay down on the floor of the car."

Elisha Antman,17, Nachman Shmuel Mordoff,17, and Harel Massoud, 21, were murdered in the attack, while they were inside the 'Hummus Eliyahu' restaurant. The terrorists also succeeded in murdering Ofer Fairman, 64, who was filling up gas at the station. Four other Israelis were injured in the attack.

Palestinians all over Judea and Samaria rejoiced at the killing, handing out sweets and posting 'hero' banners on popular Telegram channels. All over Palestinian villages, prayers for the martyrs who 'conducted a brave and selfless operation against the Zionist enemy Jews' were broadcast over the central mosque sound systems.

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