A Palestinian vehicle is defaced & damaged by Jewish Extremists.

Two weeks after the terrorist attack in Eli, in which Nachman Mordoff and Harel Masoud, two Israeli settler activists near the hills of Ramallah, were murdered, reports have been published of coordinators of the Jewish Terror Investigations Department of Israel's Federal security service, the Shin Bet arriving at several of the hills in the area, to interrogate the deceased's neighbors and friends. The low levels of Jewish terrorism in Israel have led many right-wing activists to accuse the Shin Bet’s "Jewish Terror" division of inflating certain investigations to justify its very existence.

Avihu Goli, one of Nachman and Harel's friends who illegally settled on the same hill as the victims, said that "several people came to us this morning who said they were welfare workers and started asking us personal questions and were interested in how we feel after the attack and how we dealt with the previous murder of Ahovia Sendak which took place where this hilltop settlement was established."

"Since the murder, quite a few welfare workers within the Benjamin regional council have visited here in the hill, who came to help us here and closely accompany the crisis that struck us, so it was not strange to us," explained Goli. "Some boys from the hill even talked to them for a long time until the questions began to take on a rebellious and inciting nature and then we started to get suspicious. We picked up our phones and called older residents who immediately recognized that they were the coordinators of the Jewish department of the Shin Bet."

According to him, "The feeling is a feeling that something here is upside down. They took advantage of the brokenness of the people here who buried two beloved friends with their own hands, to cynically try to milk non-existent information from them. To what other low will they reach?", Guli wondered.

Activists on the neighboring hills who were exposed to the incident reacted sharply to the conduct of the Shin Bet and told the Israeli press "There is no bright red line that the Jewish section of the Shin Bet will not cross in its obsessive war on the settler population. Without an idea of conscience or hesitation, the coordinators of the Jewish section took advantage of the pain and brokenness of young boys who find it difficult to cope with the huge loss they have experienced, to extract from them cynically and disgustingly a shred of information that will allow the Shin Bet to create a new blood plot that will justify its existence. We expect the Prime Minister and the Minister of Defense to condemn the shameful incident and make it clear to the Shin Bet that such an incident will no longer be."

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