Prime Minister Netanyahu's Jordan Valley Annexation Plan from 2019 (video capture)

In the days when Israel is in turmoil over the vote on the cancellation of the โ€œReasonableness Clauseโ€, some right-wing activists continue to push other agendas. As part of the settlement leaders' in Judea and Samariaโ€™s desire to initiate a move to apply sovereignty in the Jordan Valley, the members of the "Sovereignty" movement formulated an actual plan that brings legal, security, and settlement solutions to the contested region.

As part of the plan, a number of roads in the area must be expanded immediately, including those that are considered life-threatening. "It is necessary to widen Road 5 from Ariel to Eli, and build interchanges at the connection points with roads 60 and 90," the plan suggests. "When the road system is widened, its use will expand - and it will reduce traffic congestion in other parts of the country."

It was also proposed in the plan to build a new international airport in the area. "The field should be under full Israeli control, and be in the Horkania Valley (in the northeast of the Judean Desert) or near the Allenby crossing with Jordan. It will serve as an alternative to the Atarot airport that was closed in Jerusalem, and also as an alternative to the National Airport instead of the Jezreel Valley and Nabatim that are currently being proposed," the plan stated.

According to the plan, "it will also be able to be used by the Palestinian residents of Judea and Samaria when they leave the country without being required, as is required today, to fly through Jordan. This step will improve their quality of life considerably, and accordingly Israelโ€™s status in the international arena."

Also on the topic of tourism, the program presents several different solutions for utilizing the region's unique resources in order to increase the number of tourists entering Israel. Among the proposed solutions are the establishment of a hotel complex also in the northern part of the Dead Sea and the transfer of the management of Qasr Al-Yahud, the site where Jesus was baptized, from the hands of the Civil Administration to a commercial body that will change the service there. It was also proposed to establish another tourist city near the Jordanian border that would be a meeting point for businessmen from Israel, Jordan, and the Gulf countries and would be tax-exempt like Eilat.

The comprehensive plan was formulated by the women of the โ€œsovereigntyโ€ movement Nadia Matar and Yehudit Katsober and is promoted by the Jordan Valley lobby led by dozens of Knesset members from the coalition and the opposition. The plan was prepared by Kobi Eliraz, who was an adviser on settlement matters to four defense ministers, and attorney Eran Ben Ari, an expert on land and law in Judea and Samaria. They presented the plan to ministers and MKs, in which they detailed the steps towards applying sovereignty in the Jordan Valley.

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