There are questions about Benjamin Netanyahu's EKG's over the years.

Many Israelis are feeling deceived as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rests on a Sheba Hospital bed, where he underwent a procedure last night to implant a pacemaker. While officials are now admitting that for years his EKG tests have not been normal, Netanyahu’s office has failed to report this to the public. 

At the same time, and due to his medical condition, Netanyahu had to postpone the flights planned for him this week to Cyprus and Turkey. The reason for this is that he is required to remain under observation after the medical procedure he underwent. As of now, the meeting planned for Netanyahu on Friday with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been canceled; a meeting that was supposed to be only the second of the two leaders in 15 years.

It should be noted that at the end of last week when Netanyahu was hospitalized at Sheba, no information was provided. The public was not informed that another recent EKG test performed on him at the time was not normal, or that abnormalities were found with previous tests. The official version, which the hospital adhered to, was that Netanyahu was admitted for dehydration.

Adding to the doubts that are now arising is the fact that even in the reports from medical tests that Netanyahu underwent and published in recent years, the most recent of which was in 2020, there was no reference to the abnormal EKG tests. An EKG test follows the electrical recording of the heart's activity. It is done, among other things, in the case of an irregular pulse.

After midnight between Saturday and Sunday, before the start of the medical procedure, Netanyahu clarified that he "feels great". His office said at the end of the procedure that "the Prime Minister is feeling well and will remain in Sheba Hospital for observation, and he is expected to be released later today." Despite this announcement, Netanyahu is not expected to be released in the coming hours and at this point it is not clear whether he will remain under observation for another night.

"We identified a temporary arrhythmia that occurred during the evening of Shabbat. This is why we urgently invited Netanyahu to the hospital for a pacemaker implant," Prof. Roi Beinert, director of the Davidei Center for Arrhythmias and Pacemakers, updated this morning at the end of the procedure. "The transplant went smoothly, without any complications, he is not in a life-threatening condition, he feels great and is returning to his daily routine."

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