Protesters in front of Temple Mount entrance with Israeli Flag

Sheikh Ikhrama Sabri, head of the Supreme Muslim Council in Israel and preacher at Al-Aqsa Mosque, is warning his students of the danger and consequences of the processions held by "settlers" in the "occupied" old city of Jerusalem.

Sabri noted that "the religious war is in a state of continuous escalation" and that "the settlers are trying to prove their presence by waving Israeli flags through these processions in the streets of the Old City." The Palestinian website "Palestine Today," which is affiliated with the Islamic Jihad, reported that activists of the “Temple Mount Loyalists” last night held a "provocative" flag march around the gates of the Al-Aqsa Mosque ahead of Tisha Ba’av fast on July 27. 

This antisemitic definition of calling out Jewish worshippers who tour Jerusalem ahead of a sacred fast in Judaism ignores the fact that the fast mourns the ancient city of Jerusalem and the destruction of the Temple which now lies in ruins under the Al-Aqsa Mosque. Nasser Al-Hadami, the head of the Jerusalem Committee to Combat Settlements, accused the "occupation and its extremist organizations" of trying to instill a sense of desperation among the Arab residents of Jerusalem at the same time as another activity of flags settlers are carrying out that desecrates the holy places of Islam.

Meanwhile, The International Criminal Court in The Hague plans to launch this week a website where complaints can be filed against “Israeli perpetrators”, the official Palestinian news agency "Wafa" reports.

In an interview with "Voice of Palestine" radio, UN Assistant Foreign Minister Omar Awadallah said that through the website, Palestinian residents will be able to submit complaints to the court supported by photos and videos showing the "crimes of the occupation" against them. This can be any type of video or footage, without any explanation. Awadallah accused the Israeli government of "implementing a racist policy" in violation of all international treaties that require the occupying country to provide protection to the local residents.

He noted the importance of maintaining "regular contact with the international community to encourage it to adopt a deterrent position against Israel so that it stops its daily crimes." Karim Jobran, a spokesman for the “Betzelem” organization, emphasized the importance of documenting the "crimes committed by the occupation forces" in the criminal court despite the delay in questioning the "war criminals". He called on the Palestinian residents to submit their testimonies and affidavits to the court.

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