Ami Plant, hero of the Yom Kippur War passed Away August 15, 2022

The Yom Kippur war is considered one of Israelโ€™s most intense despite a crushing Israeli victory. The main reason it is so embedded in the Israeli Psyche was the specific day it broke out, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, taking the whole nation by surprise.

One of those who almost single-handedly stopped the Syrian force that could have rushed through Golan and eventually invaded all of Israel has passed away. Brigadier General Ami Plant, who received the Medal of Courage for his part in the Battle of the Bekaa Valley in the Golan Heights, passed away at age 71.

Plant enlisted in the IDF in November of 1969 and was assigned to the Armored Corps. After an officers' course, he served as a platoon commander in Sinai and deputy commander of an armored company. During the Yom Kippur War, Captain Plant was the commander of Company H (Israeli letter 'Hey') in the 77th Battalion of the 7th Brigade, which stopped the Syrian armor attacks as part of the Battle of the Bekaa Valley, under the command of the famous war hero Avigdor Kehlani.

In 1975, for his part in the Battle of the Bekaa Valley, Plant the Oz decoration from the IDFโ€™s chief of staff at the time Muta Gur. The medal is considered the second most important decoration given in the IDF.

The "Baoz Rucham" (Medal of Honor) website commemorating those given the Oz decoration states that Plant "showed bravery in fulfilling a combat duty while being fierce."

The website further notes, "Captain Plant's company was one of the mainstays of the Syrian force in the northern sector. While fighting, most tank commanders in his unit were killed, and the force dwindled. Despite this, he remained in his positions, encouraged those who remained, and continued to hit the attacking enemy.

On October 9, 1973, at the end of the main attack, the battle in the 'Harmonic Sector' turned in favor of the Syrians. In a bold move, Captain Plant positioned the retreating tanks in his area to forward combat positions, which brought the Syrian effort to a halt and destroyed it - and this at a time when his unit had only six tanks. In these actions, he showed exemplary courage and leadership ability."

A year after the Yom Kippur War, Plant was released from the IDF, but in 1977 he returned. During the First Lebanon War, he served as a Brigadier General and Kiryti Brigade General. In his last position in the army, he served as Chief Armor Officer until July 1995.
After his military service, Plant held several positions, including CEO of the Third Way Party and the Ministry of Internal Security under Kahalani, who served in the mid-1990s as party chairman and Minister of Internal Security.

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