Elisha Yarad (Source: Twitter)

Elisha Yarad, who previously served as the spokesperson for Knesset member Limor Son Har-Malech from the Otzma Yehudit party, was recently arrested alongside another Israeli, Yehiel Indore, following violent clashes between Israeli settlers and Palestinians in the village of Burka, near Ramallah. The confrontation culminated in the fatal shooting of 19-year-old Palestinian, Kusai Matan. Indore, a resident of the Ofra settlement in Samaria, is suspected of being the one who fired the fatal shot. He, too, sustained severe injuries during the clashes. Supporters of Indore assert that his actions were in self-defense.

Both Yarad and Indore now face accusations of causing death due to racially motivated negligence, and as a result, their detainment has been prolonged by five days. In the wake of the tragic event, the US State Department released a statement, expressing their condemnation. It read, "We vehemently denounce the extremist settler-perpetrated terrorist attack, which took the life of a young Palestinian. Our sincerest condolences go out to his grieving family and friends. We acknowledge Israel's subsequent arrests and strongly urge them to ensure justice is served."

Yarad is not a new name within the Israeli settler community. Over the years, he's been at the forefront of several media campaigns. He's known for his photography, interviews, and social media updates pertaining to the endeavors of young settlers, making him a prominent figure amongst them. Yarad has called the Ramat Migron settlement outpost home for several years and has been involved in numerous altercations with Palestinians, primarily over disputes regarding grazing lands.

Upon the formation of the government last December, Yarad took on the role of spokesperson for Knesset member Son Har-Melech. However, several months later, amidst a surge in terrorist attacks and evacuations of illegal outposts, Yarad stepped back from this position, reverting to his former activities within the settlements. Before this, he frequently penned columns for the "Olam Ketan" Sabbath bulletin, where he often voiced strong criticisms against IDF officers and the Israeli government concerning their stance on young illegal settlers. An Israeli security insider suggested that Yarad's rhetoric and activities have been "stirring tensions within the community," potentially escalating Palestinian terrorism in the process.

Following a Palestinian-led terrorist attack near Eli, which resulted in the death of four individuals, Yarad expressed his sentiments through a chilling message: "We seek revenge. Not through symbols or gestures, but in blood. Our adversaries must face the consequences of their actions. If our security forces fall short and continue to neglect the lives of civilians, it will be the duty of courageous Jews to take matters into their own hands."

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