Israeli forces demolish A'yira Shachar outpost (Video Capture)

On Monday morning, a sizable contingent of officers from both the Border Patrol and the Civil Administration launched a surprise operation to dismantle A'yira Shachar, an unauthorized hilltop Israeli settlement near Kochav HaShahar in the Benjamin Regional Council. The move drew immediate reactions from the local populace, with a considerable number of residents from neighboring settlements converging at the site to voice their objections to the demolition process.

This evacuation marks the first of its kind in proximity to Kochav HaShahar since the inception of the right-wing government approximately eight months ago. It is also one of the most significant demolition efforts in recent memory. Member of Knesset (MK) Limor Son Har Melech was present during the procedure, ensuring that she gauged local sentiments and kept a watchful eye on the ongoing developments.

The existing coalition agreement stipulates that any decision to evacuate structures within a Jewish settlement requires the authorization of Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich. However, a few exceptions are outlined in the agreement, including situations of immediate security concerns or new building projects, which fall under the purview of Defense Minister Yoav Gallant.

Offering clarification on the matter, Minister Smotrich’s office stated that the demolished structures were recent additions built on legally recognized private Arab land, which could not be officially sanctioned. The statement added, "Despite our best efforts, we were unable to find a mutually agreeable solution to relocate these structures to nearby state-owned land, as we've successfully done in locations like Chumash. During our term, we've seen an unparalleled surge in construction and regulation of settlements, executed with precision, purpose, and authority."

The episode did not sit well with residents of the adjacent settlements. They voiced their indignation, saying, "This right-wing administration is merely perpetuating policies reminiscent of those championed by [Benny] Gantz and [Yair] Lapid, directly undermining Jewish settlements and causing unnecessary destruction." They added that the severity of the situation was magnified, especially in light of recent confrontations involving settlers.

Rabbi Ohad Krakover of Kochav HaShahar was among the first to arrive at the hilltop and did not mince words in expressing his disapproval of the operation. He lamented, "This day marks a challenging moment for the Israeli populace. Pioneers, with unwavering commitment and an unparalleled love for the land, had settled here. Why demolish their homes and pave the way for Arabs?" Krakover further urged the community to unite and contest this blatant act of senseless destruction. He concluded, "While today we witness these ruins, the resilience of the Israeli people ensures that we will rebuild and eventually triumph."

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