Some of the components used in the Nablus bomb factory (Source: IDF)

Between Tuesday and Wednesday, the IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) and Border Patrol units, supported by engineering and military personnel, dismantled an explosives laboratory in the Balata refugee camp, located in Nablus, a city under Palestinian control. This facility contained seven ready-to-deploy explosive devices. Simultaneously, the forces took down another warehouse storing eight additional explosive charges.

During this operation, the troops deactivated a bomb strategically positioned at the refugee camp's entrance, which was primed for detonation. While the forces were at work, they came under attack from individuals who pelted stones, hurled Molotov cocktails, and opened fire. The Israeli units responded by targeting the armed assailants, ensuring no harm came to their side.

Parallel to the Balata operation, IDF soldiers from Unit 636, engaged in a preemptive strike, targeted militants who were firing at a military outpost near Nablus in the Samaria region. These armed militants, subsequently injured and detained, were found with M-16 rifles ā€” the very weapons used to shoot at the military post. A search of their vehicle unearthed an array of weapons including improvised explosive devices, grenades, military gear, and more than ten bullet cartridges. Following this, the IDF began a manhunt for other potential threats in the vicinity.

While the IDF remains focused on its operational duties in Judea and Samaria, larger security concerns are emerging, predominantly stemming from the escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah. Addressing these tensions, the leader of the Hezbollah terrorist group, Hassan Nasrallah, reacted to warnings issued by the Israeli Defense Minister, Yoav Gallant.

Nasrallah stated, "In response to the threats from our adversaries, I note the Israeli Defense Minister's recent actions, standing mere hundreds of meters from our fence, fully aware we were monitoring. He threatened Lebanon with dire consequences. While we acknowledge Israel's capabilities, backed by its robust military and the U.S. support, to cause significant damage, the focus should be on Hezbollah's potential counteractions. The Israeli leadership comprehends this, making these threats moot. Observe the state of Lebanon now. I caution Israel: should you instigate a war with Lebanon, you too shall be relegated to the Stone Age."

This statement underscores the volatile environment in the region, highlighting the need for cautious diplomatic negotiations to prevent potential large-scale conflicts.

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