Explosives found during the raid in Jenin by Israeli forces today (Source: @manniefabian - Twitter)

Early on Thursday morning, reports from Arab sources indicated that Israel Defense Forces (IDF) special forces launched an operation in the Jenin refugee camp. Their objective was to apprehend a wanted individual. This marked the first such operation since "Operation Bayit VeGan." The forces reportedly entered the camp with a focus on detaining the said individual. However, during this operation, Palestinian accounts mentioned that a Palestinian militant was injured due to gunfire and an explosion also transpired.

Subsequent reports provided details on the situation: the Israeli security personnel managed to take down a terrorist in Jenin. Additionally, they neutralized other terrorists who initiated an attack on them. Unfortunately, during these events, a member of the IDF sustained minor injuries from shrapnel.

Further information released by the police and the IDF narrated that while attempting to arrest two individuals from the Islamic Jihad in Jenin's market square, the troops came under fire. Reacting swiftly, the forces retaliated and stormed the building from where the shots were originating. A thorough search of this building yielded a large cache of weapons, inclusive of numerous explosives. These explosives were subsequently neutralized by the troops. As the forces were retreating from the scene, they faced another challenge: rioters began to assault them with explosives and gunfire, forcing the soldiers to respond in kind.

This operation's backdrop was an incident earlier in the week. A terrorist group called the "Eyash Brigade," associated with Hamas, had attempted to launch an improvised rocket in the Jenin vicinity. However, this effort was unsuccessful. The IDF personnel soon located the remnants of the failed rocket and its launcher. Bomb disposal experts were promptly dispatched to assess the situation for any lingering explosive threats. An IDF representative mentioned that all findings from this site would be transferred to security agencies for a more in-depth analysis. Concurrently, an intensive search operation was initiated to locate the individuals responsible.

Remarkably, the rocket's remains were still attached to the launcher, which was found within Palestinian territory, close to the Shakh industrial zone in Samaria. Following the botched rocket attempt, the Eyash Brigade issued a statement. They claimed that their effort was in retaliation to perceived wrongs committed against their people. They emphasized their continued commitment, saying, "Our martyrs' blood fuels our jihad." They also stressed their ongoing efforts for "preparation and development."

Although the rocket launch was unsuccessful, the terrorist group remained defiant. They declared, "Our fighters achieved success in targeting the Shaked settlement, west of Jenin, with a Qassam missile." Furthermore, they vowed that regardless of the challenges they faced, including stringent security conditions and limited resources, their primary goal remained clear: to continually challenge and disrupt their adversaries.

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