Palestinian groups in Samaria striving for Rockets (Source: @JeninQassam - Telegram)

The northern Samaria region has recently seen an uptick in rocket-launching attempts targeting its settlements, emerging predominantly from Jenin and its surrounding villages. What initially began as an isolated incident has now transformed into a concerning pattern. Despite reassurances from security establishments downplaying any imminent threat, some fear that this could mirror the volatile situation observed in the Gaza Strip.

Speaking to the religious Zionist news portal “Kipa,” Lt. Col. Yaron Buskila, a former operations officer of the IOS division and the current secretary-general of the IDSF, shared his insights. He recalled, "When the chain of events and terrorist attacks began in northern Samaria, we predicted that rocket firing attempts would likely follow."

Buskila revealed that over the past fifteen years, multiple attempts have been made by terrorist groups in Judea and Samaria to develop rockets. He emphasized the simplicity of such endeavors, stating, "It's quite straightforward." He added, "In the early stages of these rocket preparations, the IDF efficiently intervened, preventing any significant progress. I am personally aware of the operations and subsequent apprehensions of individuals involved."

He then delved into the dynamics that have allowed terrorist factions in northern Samaria to gain momentum, notably their endeavors in rocket manufacturing. Buskila attributed this to a strategic decision made by the political leadership, which directed the IDF to minimize its activities in northern Samaria. The directive was to engage only when faced with immediate threats, thereby creating an operational vacuum. This void, he elaborated, gave rise to two primary issues: a decline in intelligence gathering and a reduced deterrence factor.

Buskila elucidated, "Effective intelligence is typically the byproduct of direct interaction with the terrain. A lack of presence invariably leads to inadequate intelligence, rendering it challenging to preemptively counteract these threats when they are nascent." He also highlighted that even the recent "Beit VeGan" operation failed to inflict significant damage upon the terrorist factions. Buskila expressed concerns that, post-operation, the political leaders chose to scale back the IDF presence once more. This move essentially allowed terrorist groups to consolidate, recuperate, and further their rocket-firing ambitions.

He remarked, "Currently, when these factions conduct tests, they opt for open terrains, fully aware of our surveillance capabilities, and wary of it. Nonetheless, they've adapted, choosing locations that offer better concealment for their activities. Given their progress in Gaza, it's only a matter of time before they replicate their successes here."

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