The scene where a 60 year old Israeli woman was killed (Source: @JewishNewsUK - Twitter)

In a tragic turn of events this morning, a woman lost her life in a terrorist attack on Route 60 near the Sheep Junction, located south of Hebron. Miraculously, a 6-year-old girl who was in the same vehicle managed to escape the incident without any injuries.

At approximately 10:00 AM, reports emerged of an assault targeting Jewish civilians near the Sheep Junction, in the vicinity of Hebron's Jewish settlement. Upon receiving the alert, the Medical teams from Magen David Adom (MDA) rushed to the location. On arrival, they discovered a man and a woman, both with gunshot wounds, near a vehicle. Despite efforts to save her, the woman's injuries proved fatal. Shortly after, significant numbers of IDF forces initiated a search operation to locate and apprehend the assailants responsible for this heinous act.

A representative from Soroka Hospital provided a statement, "We received a 39-year-old male from the Mount Hebron area with a gunshot wound. He is currently undergoing preliminary treatment to stabilize his condition. We will release more details as they become available."

The MDA later clarified the situation, noting that upon their arrival, a 40-year-old woman was sadly declared deceased. Another individual, presumably the man mentioned earlier, was swiftly transported to Soroka Hospital due to the severity of his injuries. Remarkably, amidst the chaos and violence, a 6-year-old girl who was present in the car emerged unharmed.

Describing the initial moments at the scene, MDA emergency medic, Moshe Barshat stated, "Upon reaching the site, we found both the man and woman near the vehicle, unconscious and with gunshot wounds. With the aid of the IDF medical team present, we provided urgent medical attention, including controlling the bleeding. The critically injured man was subsequently moved to Soroka Hospital in a specialized military ambulance, while efforts to treat the grievously injured woman continued on-site."

Reacting to the tragic incident, Shlomo Ne’eman, the head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council and the chairman of the “Yesha” Council for Jewish settlements, expressed his dismay, "Yet again, we face a horrific attack. Our thoughts are with the family of the deceased during this challenging time, and we fervently hope for the swift recovery of the injured. The perpetrators of this atrocity act with the backing and funding of the Palestinian Authority. It's imperative for the Israeli government and its forces to reconsider the Oslo Accords. They must take a firm stance, utilizing all available resources to dismantle the terrorist networks and their supporters. Those who incite, fund, and perpetrate such crimes should not continue their daily lives unimpeded. This is not an isolated incident; it's an ongoing war, and we must respond accordingly."

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