Iranian involvement in financing and supporting terrorism within Israel has seen a troubling rise, with recent revelations pointing to an intricate smuggling operation from Jordan to Israel that was thankfully foiled last month. This operation took a particularly alarming turn as it was discovered that the smuggling attempt included explosive devices believed to have originated in Iran.

In a significant display of vigilance, IDF forces and the Border Patrol successfully thwarted the illegal smuggling attempt along the Jordanian border, near Kibbutz Ashdot Ya'akov in the Jordan Valley, in late July. This instance diverged from previous cases involving the illicit transportation of firearms and ammunition. It was distinct in its intent to transport explosive devices containing standard explosives, presumably sourced from Iran. The Israeli security establishment has discerned that these explosives were destined to traverse from Jordan into the Israeli borders. Once inside, they were slated to reach terrorist groups operating in Judea and Samaria, potentially being utilized for attacks targeting both civilians and IDF personnel.

Given the unique nature of the cargo, the investigation of this smuggling operation was entrusted to the Shin Bet, Israel's internal security service. During the investigation, security officials painstakingly traced the path taken by the smugglers. The goal was to ascertain whether the cargo followed the familiar smuggling route used by Hezbollah and Shiite militias through Lebanon and Syria, or if it was directly funneled from Iran through Iraq and then into Jordan. Ultimately, the Shin Bet unveiled a startling revelation: Israeli-Arab crime families from Kfar Qasim and Lod had established connections with Hezbollah. Through these associations, they managed to obtain explosive charges crafted in Iran, with intentions that veered into criminal activities.

These disclosures follow a recent terrorist attack in the southern region of Mount Hebron, which tragically claimed the life of Bat Sheva Nagri. Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Gallant were resolute in pointing the finger at Iran for financing and orchestrating terrorism in Judea and Samaria. Prime Minister Netanyahu firmly stated, "We are currently facing a wave of terrorism that is instigated, directed, and funded by Iran and its proxies. A considerable portion of this surge in terrorism can be traced back to external influences. We are deploying both offensive and defensive strategies to counteract not only the perpetrators but also those who are pulling their strings, regardless of their proximity."

Adding to the unfolding narrative is the recent incident involving Imad Al-Adwan, a Jordanian Parliament member. Al-Adwan was detained and subsequently released by Israeli authorities on allegations of smuggling firearms into Judea and Samaria. The Shin Bet's revelation shed light on Al-Adwan's apprehension, indicating that he was taken into custody on April 22 after his vehicle was found to contain 12 rifles and 194 pistols. Moreover, the investigation disclosed that Al-Adwan had been engaging in smuggling activities since February of the previous year, using his diplomatic passport to bring in an array of illicit goods.


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