The High Holidays are among the busiest travel seasons in Israel

On Thursday, the Israeli National Security Council issued an updated set of travel advisories for the upcoming Jewish high holidays. This initiative aims to heighten the Israeli public's awareness of potential terrorism threats.

Concerning Iran, the council asserted that the country remains a principal instigator of global terrorism. It is actively involved in plots to endanger Israeli citizens and Jewish communities worldwide, both directly and via proxy organizations operating in multiple countries. Iran's actions are not only threats but also violations of the sovereignty of the countries in which these proxies operate.

Moreover, Iranian terrorist factions persist in their efforts to establish contact with Israeli citizens both within Israel and overseas. Such contacts often occur under the guise of business interactions or other innocent-seeming pretexts. The ultimate goal is to inflict harm on these individuals. Over the past year, multiple such Iranian schemes targeting Israeli and Jewish interests worldwide have been unveiled and subsequently neutralized.

Regarding radical Islamic organizations and global jihad, the council claims these entities are still executing terrorist attacks at various locations around the globe. They demonstrate an escalating interest in harming Israelis and Jews and even incite their followers to attack Jewish communities worldwide. A significant part of the threat comes from self-radicalized individuals inspired by these groups, who may engage in "lone-wolf" attacks against Israelis and Jewish communities.

Turning its attention to Hamas and Islamic Jihad, the council noted that these groups have recently shown a heightened interest in carrying out kidnapping attacks within Israel's borders. Such kidnappings aim to bolster these groups' negotiating power with the Israeli government. Additionally, these organizations may also attempt kidnappings of Israelis or Jews outside Israel, fueled by their belief that negotiations over prisoners and missing persons have reached a deadlock.

Ismail Haniyeh, the chairman of Hamas, has publicly stated, "Hamas will not hesitate to promote kidnappings. We already have four prisoners in our possession, and if that's not enough to convince Israel to strike a deal, we will kidnap more using our far-reaching networks."

Lastly, the council also warned against extreme right-wing organizations globally. These groups have identified the Jewish community, along with other minorities, as prime targets, especially during sensitive religious holidays. Over recent years, a string of attacks against religious institutions in both Europe and America has been carried out, driven largely by anti-Semitic ideologies.

In sum, the Israeli National Security Council's advisory serves as a grim reminder of the multi-faceted threats facing Israelis and Jews globally, necessitating increased vigilance especially during the high holiday season.

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