Superintendent Sigal Bar Zvi, the head of the Operations Division of the Israel Police, recently addressed the senior command staff of the police to provide a comprehensive update on the preparations for the upcoming Jewish high holidays, with a particular focus on Yom Kippur. In her briefing, she highlighted a significant increase in alerts regarding potential terrorist attacks.

"In preparation for the Tishrei holidays, we raised the alert level in certain areas throughout the country, with an emphasis on the cities of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and the prayer and recreation centers," Superintendent Bar Zvi stated. "In the weeks leading up to the Tishrei holidays, there was an increase in the number of alerts. In view of this, the Israel Police, together with all the national emergency organizations, conducted joint situation assessments to determine the level of preparedness required."

Furthermore, Superintendent Bar Zvi drew attention to the disturbing trend of increased incitement to terrorism leading up to the holidays. "Every day, the Israel Police holds joint discussions with other security agencies, including the Shin Bet and the IDF," she explained. "The increase in the number of alerts, along with the incitement to terrorism that also increased in the run-up to the Tishrei holidays, led us to special preparation within the framework of which thousands of police officers, security forces fighters, and volunteers are deployed across the country every day. This is in order to prevent a terrorist incident and to secure places of prayer, places of entertainment, and the public in general throughout the entire holiday period.”

At the end of her speech, she emphasized that "we call on the public who have weapons and are skilled in using them when necessary, to carry their weapons these days."

"The purpose of the special police preparation during this period is to ensure that every citizen in Israel can travel, spend time, and celebrate safely," the police stated. "The Israel Police is prepared to provide the required response anywhere throughout the State of Israel from the air using the helicopters of the air formation, from the sea using the maritime police forces and on land using all units. The police, fighters, and volunteers, including the rescue units throughout the country."

The Police’s updated warning comes just after the terrorist attack this past Monday in Jerusalem. According to the official police report: "A Border Patrol soldier neutralized a terrorist at the Mazmoriya checkpoint. A suspect who arrived at the Mazmoriya checkpoint on the route of the wall on the outskirts of Jerusalem to the east of the village of 'Tzur Bahar' pulled a knife at the soldiers. A soldier who spotted the suspect opened fire at him and neutralized him. There are no casualties to our forces."

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