In the wake of the burgeoning peace talks between Israel and Saudi Arabia, a diplomatic dance that has been unfolding over many months, Israeli government officials are taking concrete steps to solidify the newfound relations. Notably, Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi and MK David Bitan are presently embarking on a historic visit to Saudi Arabia, following Tourism Minister Haim Katz's visit just a week prior.

Minister Karhi's official journey to Saudi Arabia finds its genesis in the World Postal Congress, a significant international event taking place in the country this year. Given his role overseeing the government Postal company, Karhi's attendance was more than appropriate. What's particularly noteworthy is Minister Karhi's deeply religious disposition. For his visit, he brought along the special plants traditionally used during Sukkot prayers. Additionally, a sukkah was meticulously erected, providing a place for the minister to dine and dwell in accordance with the Sukkot traditions. The symbolic significance of this gesture cannot be overstated, as it signifies a spiritual connection transcending borders.

As part of this visit, Minister Karhi engaged in a profound act. Reports have arrived from Saudi Arabia indicating that the Minister of Communications took time to read from the Torah and partake in the unique Sukkot prayers on Saudi soil. His act of spiritual devotion was marked by his insightful reference to the Book of Daniel in the Bible: "The windows opened toward Jerusalem. Three times a day he got down on his knees and prayed, giving thanks to his God, just as he had done before." Karhi than added "Windows were open in Daniel's house towards Jerusalem for prayer. Also here in Riyadh, we were privileged to pray with open windows towards Jerusalem. We are destined for joy."

Minister Karhi's role in this historic gathering is pivotal. He is expected to address communications ministers and representatives from around the world, and his speech will be broadcast on the conference's official website. Furthermore, the minister is slated to engage in discussions with the US ambassador to Saudi Arabia, as well as the Turkish Minister of Communications, among others. This diplomatic interaction underscores the importance of communication and collaboration in forging lasting international relations.

It is crucial to highlight that Minister Karhi's visit comes on the heels of Minister of Tourism Haim Katz's return from his own significant journey to Saudi Arabia. Katz's remarks upon his return were enlightening, hinting at the potential for deeper connections. He shared, "People approached me, people from countries that have no relations with Israel also approached me, without naming them. They approached me alone, they knew who I was. I'm marked here; they see too. Since good things are hidden from view, I met with a great many people, some of whom have no ties to Israel. Practical things will come from those with whom we have ties."

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