On the third day of the Gaza war and with tensions remaining high along the northern border with Lebanon, the IDF continues its airstrikes in Gaza. Meanwhile, special forces and infantry units are engaged in combat with Hamas terrorists in six locations within Israel.

Since the war's outset, the IDF has announced that the Air Force has successfully destroyed approximately 1,200 targets in the Gaza Strip. Additionally, 21 high-rise buildings in Gaza have been targeted, based on intelligence linking them to terrorist activity. Notably, one of these buildings housed a Hamas military headquarters. Concurrently, tens of thousands of IDF personnel are actively working to clear the areas surrounding Gaza of terrorists. The IDF estimates that over 400 terrorists have been eliminated in the Gaza Strip, with hundreds more in Israeli territory. Several terrorists have also been captured within Israel.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza has reported 380 fatalities and 2,200 injuries resulting from IDF attacks in the Gaza Strip since the initiation of hostilities by Hamas. Hamas has declared the destruction of 160 homes and damage to over 1,200 others.

It is worth noting that between Sunday and Monday night alone, the IDF conducted over 500 airstrikes on strategic targets belonging to terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip, utilizing both aircraft and artillery forces. The Israeli forces claim that seven operational headquarters of Hamas and another headquarters of the Islamic Jihad were destroyed during these operations. Additionally, several high-rise buildings were targeted, along with the destruction of three terror tunnels in the Beit Hanoun neighborhood of the Gaza Strip.

In terms of national unity during this emergency, Prime Minister Netanyahu is set to meet with several members of Knesset, following widespread bipartisan support for the government's actions at the political level in Israel. Minister of National Security Itamar Ben Gvir expressed support for the proposal made by State Camp Chairman Benny Gantz and Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Lieberman to form an emergency government. He stated, "As long as the government's objective, defined for the IDF, is the complete dismantling of the military and governmental power of Hamas, Otzma Yehudit welcomes the idea of such a broad emergency government. Israel is facing an emergency, and unity is essential for victory."

Regarding recent international reports, the IDF has disapproved of claims suggesting Iran's direct involvement in the conflict initiated by Hamas. The IDF spokesman clarified during a briefing that "Iran is a significant player, but we cannot assert that it planned or specifically trained for this operation." Furthermore, in terms of American assistance, the Chief of Staff and the Commander of the Central Command of the US Army have been in communication with the IDF to enhance operational and intelligence coordination. This cooperation aims to create a unified intelligence picture, not limited to the Gaza Strip alone.

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