Ten days have passed since the tragic events in the townships surrounding Gaza, marked by a massacre and the abduction of innocent citizens by Hamas terrorists. In the wake of this horrifying ordeal, a preliminary medical report has been unveiled, shedding light on the dire condition of those who were abducted and are still missing. The revelations within the report paint a grim and distressing picture, highlighting immediate threats to life and the unspeakable suffering endured by some of the abducted individuals. Furthermore, it underscores the severe medical conditions plaguing a significant portion of these individuals.

This report, which was presented on a somber Monday morning in Israel to representatives of the Red Cross, serves as a stark reminder of the magnitude of this humanitarian crisis. The families of the abductees have become the epicenter of anguish, grappling with the harsh realities of this dire situation. Among the abducted and missing persons, there exists a heartbreaking spectrum of vulnerable individuals, including patients suffering from Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, those with special needs, infants, and the elderly. Regrettably, their conditions are deteriorating rapidly due to the lack of access to critical medical care.

The injuries documented in the report are extensive and harrowing. They range from injuries sustained through amputations to those resulting from acts of sexual violence. Additionally, the report highlights a wide array of medical conditions afflicting the victims, including Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer. It is particularly distressing to note the presence of patients with special needs, such as individuals with autism and dementia, as well as toddlers who are now caught in this nightmarish scenario.

Among the most heart-wrenching cases detailed in the report is that of a 9-month-old baby, reliant on infant formula for sustenance and in desperate need of nutrition and essential products. There are also children aged 5, 13, and 16, all diagnosed with autism, who require specialized care and support. Tragically, a 23-year-old woman with gunshot wounds remains untreated, her limbs amputated, and her life hanging in the balance.

Another deeply concerning case is that of a 27-year-old woman battling Crohn's disease, in urgent need of biological treatment and medical nutritional therapy to prevent the worsening of her condition. Equally alarming is the plight of a man suffering from a severe autoimmune disease, demanding immediate biological treatment within a hospital setting. Failure to provide this care puts him at grave risk of further deterioration and potential fatality. Additionally, a 60-year-old man diagnosed with multiple sclerosis faces significant mobility challenges, further adding to the urgency of the situation.

The report does not spare the elderly, as it describes the grim condition of an 85-year-old man grappling with heart failure, kidney disease, asthma, cardiac arrhythmias, and a heightened risk of developing blood clots, fluid retention, and death. Furthermore, an elderly woman afflicted by Parkinson's and dementia is significantly underweight, putting her at imminent risk of worsening illness and potential mortality.

The gravity of this crisis has not gone unnoticed by international organizations. A contact person from the International Committee of the Red Cross has been provided with a comprehensive file containing information about over 150 kidnapped and missing individuals, underscoring the urgency of their situation.

In light of the distressing revelations in this medical report, it is anticipated that pressure will mount on Israel's political leadership to redouble their efforts in securing the release of these innocent abductees from the clutches of Hamas.

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