A reliable source informed the newspaper "Al-Arabi Al-Jadid" on a Monday afternoon that senior Egyptian officials have put forward a proposal to establish refugee camps on the Gaza side of the city of Rafah, located within a three-kilometer radius from the border.

As per the report, Egypt will take on the responsibility of overseeing these camps. Subsequently, humanitarian aid will be channeled to these camps from the northern region of the Sinai Peninsula. The source also revealed that one of the primary functions of these camps will be to identify and provide assistance to the wounded and sick individuals in need of urgent medical treatment. They will either be transferred to field hospitals in North Sinai or to specialized medical facilities in Egypt.

While the Israeli government has not officially acknowledged the Egyptian agreement to host refugees in Gaza's Rafah, it has expressed a favorable stance towards the proposal. An Israeli source commented, "We have an interest in as many people as possible leaving Gaza."

Simultaneously, another source from Egypt informed the Qatari newspaper that there is ongoing coordination between Egypt, Qatar, and the United States regarding the delivery of humanitarian aid to Rafah and Al-Arish on the Egyptian side. According to this source, the provision of aid is linked to negotiations involving Qatar, Hamas, and Israel, specifically concerning the release of civilian abductees.

The source also disclosed that American pressure on Israel to allow the entry of 20 trucks carrying humanitarian aid is part of an agreement tied to the release of 15 more American citizens. As a reminder, two American hostages were released last Friday. The preliminary agreement mentions the introduction of 100 trucks in exchange for the release of the remaining American hostages.

These reports emerge shortly after Reuters revealed that a third shipment of humanitarian supplies had entered the Gaza Strip. The IDF spokesman issued a statement, emphasizing, "Any supplies, including fuel or humanitarian aid, reaching Hamas will be intercepted by us, and we will prevent aid from reaching Hamas. We are closely monitoring the situation to ensure that Hamas does not appropriate resources from the UN."

Furthermore, it was reported that the second convoy of aid trucks entered from Egypt through the Rafah border crossing last night. Approximately 19 trucks, loaded with medical supplies, food, and medicine, were part of this second convoy. UN officials have stressed that "a sustained delivery rate of at least 100 trucks per day will be necessary in Gaza to address the urgent needs in the Strip."


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