As Israel enters its 26th day of war, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have sadly announced the loss of ten Israeli infantry troops while engaging in intense combat within the Gaza Strip against Hamas terrorists. Meanwhile, tensions persist along Israel's northern borders with Lebanon and Syria, where Iranian proxy groups, primarily Hezbollah, remain a significant concern. Additionally, the Yemeni Houthi rebels have once again sent an unidentified aerial vehicle towards the Israeli city of Eilat, situated on the shores of the Red Sea. Fortunately, Israeli missile interceptors successfully neutralized the hostile device.

Minister Benny Gantz, the Chairman of the National Unity Party and a member of the war cabinet, expressed his condolences and solidarity with the people of Israel in a heartfelt message on Twitter. He remarked, "It is a difficult morning for the entire people of Israel. The cost of this war is heavy and painful. I would like to convey my sincere condolences to the families of the fallen heroes and wish a full recovery for the wounded. Even now, IDF troops continue to fight in the depths of the terrain against our enemies. We still have difficult days ahead of us, but we are all united around one goal, and we will win."

In response to the missile launches and the incursion of an unidentified aerial vehicle from Yemen, which was attributed to the Iran-backed Houthi rebels, Israeli Navy missile ships were dispatched to the Red Sea on Tuesday night. The IDF spokesperson stated that this deployment was carried out "in accordance with the assessment of the situation and as part of the strengthening of the defense effort in the area."

Furthermore, the IDF spokesperson disclosed that throughout the night, a joint operation of Israeli forces conducted targeted strikes on numerous terrorist installations in the Gaza Strip. These strikes included operational headquarters and squads belonging to Hamas militants. In a recent engagement, IDF troops identified a significant number of terrorists who had taken shelter in a multi-story building in the Jabalia area of the northern Gaza Strip. Notably, this building was situated near a school, a medical center, and government offices. IDF soldiers called in air support, which successfully targeted and neutralized the terrorists. Additionally, IDF forces identified a vehicle transporting anti-tank missiles headed towards the forces operating in the Gaza Strip. In response, ground forces directed an aircraft to engage the vehicle, resulting in a successful hit. Since the commencement of the war, the IDF has executed more than 11,000 strikes against terrorist targets in the Gaza Strip.

Shifting to another front, in the northern Samaria city of Jenin, a significant operation took place to disrupt a terrorist infrastructure within the city's refugee camp. The operation's objective was to uncover explosive devices on the roads using military engineering forces, following the discovery of an underground shaft used by terrorists. During the operation, an exchange of fire occurred, resulting in the elimination of three terrorists. Additionally, an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) detected a threat to the Israeli forces and launched a missile, effectively neutralizing the threat. Importantly, no casualties were reported among the IDF forces. The area remained under the vigilant watch of snipers from various IDF units, ensuring the safety of the operating troops.

Preceding these events, security forces apprehended Ata Abu-Ramila, the secretary of the Fatah movement in Jenin, who had been actively promoting terrorist activities within Israeli territory in recent months. Furthermore, a raid was conducted on the residence of prisoner Zakaria Zabeidi. Subsequently, Israeli troops conducted a staged withdrawal from the refugee camp as part of a deception tactic, later re-entering with a substantial force.

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