Terrorists Ahmed and Abdel Rahman Abed

Ahmed Ayman Ibrahim Abed, a member of the Palestinian security apparatus and one of the terrorists who was killed in the encounter in Jenin in which IDF officer, Bar Falah, was killed, left a will in which he called on his friends to follow in his footsteps and become a Shahid ( a holy martyr in Islam).

One of the two terrorists who were 'neutralized' in the aftermath of the encounter in Jenin during which Major Bar Falah was killed, was Ahmed Abed - a member of the Palestinian Security forces that is funded in part by money from American and European taxpayers. The terrorist left a will, which was revealed Friday. In it he calls for continued bloodshed against Jews and tells his family to rejoice over his death. He also made a twisted request that his friends and those who admire him for his martyrdom "stick to arms and jihad against the enemy" - one that is certain to encourage others in to do just that. As a result, Israeli security forces are on high alert.

Abed, originally from the village of Dan in the volatile and dangerous Jenin region, enlisted in the Palestinian security forces a little over a year ago. He recently finished his training and served in the intelligence unit of the Palestinian Authority's security apparatus. The northern West Bank known as the Jenin region is known to be lawless in certain areas, seldom patrolled by PA forces. The fact Abed was a virtually new recruit from the region sends a troubling message that terrorists are looking to exploit the PA's cooperation with Israel to the end of carrying out more attacks. In the will, Abed explained that he chose to die armed for the sake of Allah, because this is, according to him, the best virtue and the best way to get closer to Allah and elevate Islam.

The obsession with death and honor in the Palestinian territories is not representative of the broader Islamic community. Those who are indoctrinated by terror groups such as Hamas, Fatah, Islamic Jihad, or ISIS for that matter represent a fraction of the Muslim community, most of whom are peaceful and often victims themselves of these extremist groups. In fact, most victims of Islamic terror groups are other Muslims as seen in Afghanistan with the Taliban and across the Arabian peninsula with ISIS all over and Iran-backed Houthis in Yemen.

Abed also wrote that "the pleasures of this world are short-lived compared to the next world", and called on his friends to fight so that "Allah will punish you with a heavy punishment and replace you with other people" He also wrote: "I will die with my hand up for the sake of Allah and so that my blood will be like the blood shed for this noble religion". He then writes to his parents and begs them not to be sad about his death, on the contrary, he wants them to be happy and proud of him.

Towards the end of his will, the terrorist turns to his friends and demands them to "do not abandon the jihad because there is no nation that abandoned the jihad without being humiliated."  He continues and calls on his friends to "stick to the weapon because through it honor and supremacy will be achieved." 

“Under no circumstances should you delay in carrying out Jihad and do not retreat before your enemy, on the contrary, be the first in the arenas of Jihad and struggle, for Jihad will achieve victory for the believers." Jihad is a term in Islam referring to a holy war against infidels in the name of God. It is considered an extreme approach to Islam and its teachings and many scholars say extremists have taken the term out of context. One leading Islamic scholar, Noor Dahri has sometimes referred to Jihad as a personal struggle to improve oneself - he authored a book called 'Global Jihad, Islamic Radicalisation and Counter Strategy' in which he explains how radicals have manipulated Islam to suit their goals. 

The will was revealed after it was already reported that Abed had published messages showing his support for terrorists in recent months. For example, he wrote about the terrorists who shot innocent in the town of Elad a few months back that: "You have fulfilled your duty." The fact that Palestinian Authority employees openly support terrorism has alarmed Israelis for years, considering how closely the Israel Defense Forces and Israel Police work with the PA security forces. This revelation only serves to increase the apprehension many in the Jewish State have about working with Palestinian forces.

Fatah, the oldest existing Palestinian terrorist organization and forebearer of the Palestinian Authority, paid tribute to the two terrorists saying it was a: "Heroic action." President Mahmoud Abbas and former Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat ran Fatah, making it hard to distinguish between the legitimate representative of a Palestinian cause and the terror group that is responsible for airline hijackings, the 1972 Munich Olympic massacre, and scores of suicide bombings, car rammings, stabbings all targeted at innocent civilian populations.  

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