A map of the tunnel complex underneath Al Shifa

In a significant security operation, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have uncovered a complex and extensive network of terror tunnels beneath the Shifa Hospital in the Gaza Strip. This operation involved elite units such as Shaldag, Oketz, Yahalom, and the 7th Brigade, demonstrating a high level of coordination and expertise in counter-terrorism efforts.

The tunnel network, intricately designed and spanning dozens of meters, was not confined to the area beneath the hospital. It also extended beneath the Qatari Building within the hospital's premises, revealing a calculated strategy by Hamas to operate beneath vital civilian infrastructure.

The discovery starkly illustrates Hamas' tactic of using hospitals as shields for their operations, a disturbing trend in modern warfare where medical facilities are exploited for military purposes. Regarding this, The Judean spoke with John Spencer who is the Chair of Urban Warfare Studies at the Modern War Institute at the US Military Academy at West Point and the foremost expert on urban warfare. Spencer said, "the strategy is a clear violation of international laws and norms, which strictly prohibit the use of medical facilities for military activities."

IDF soldiers provided journalists with a rare insight into the tunnel system, estimated to be about 300 miles long. This tour, starting from an entrance at the al-Shifa Hospital, emphasized how the hospital was repurposed as a central hub for Hamas' operations.

Journalists descended into the tunnel through a shaft at Gaza City's largest hospital complex, following consistent denials by Hamas of such a structure's existence. Inside, they found not only a sophisticated underground facility complete with living quarters, a kitchen, and a bathroom but also a stockpile of weapons, explosives, and drones. This setup highlights the extent of planning and resources invested in these terror operations.

Further, within this underground labyrinth, the IDF discovered smaller rooms likely used to house hostages from Hamas' October 7 terrorist attack against Israel. This indicates a new level of complexity and planning in Hamas' terrorist operations.

Additionally, the IDF's 7th Brigade identified two more tunnel shafts near the hospital, one on a nearby street and another within a residential house. This discovery further underscores the use of civilian areas for military purposes, and according to Spencer, is "a tactic that puts innocent lives at risk and complicates military responses."

The exposure of these tunnels, particularly the parts beneath the al-Shifa Hospital, which were recently secured by the IDF, represents a significant blow to Hamas' operational capabilities. It also raises serious concerns about the exploitation of medical facilities for terrorist activities, challenging the international community to address this violation of humanitarian norms.

This operation by the IDF is a testament to their commitment to Israel's security and highlights the ongoing challenge of combating terrorism in urban and civilian areas, where the distinction between combatants and non-combatants is often blurred.

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