A photo released by the IDF today showing weapons found in a child's room

The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have reported a significant discovery by their Brigade 401, operating near Jabaliya in Gaza's Grad Valley. The forces uncovered four deeply buried tunnels, described as "significant," along with a cache of weapons ingeniously hidden under the beds of a senior Hamas member's children and within closets. These tunnels, equipped with an electricity network, are identified as being used by Hamas, the internationally recognized terrorist organization.

In one striking instance, a search at the residence of another senior Hamas official led to the discovery of one of these tunnels. But the findings extended beyond just tunnels and weapons. At the home of the first official, IDF troops found not only an arsenal but also numerous documents and battle plans, which are now under the scrutiny of intelligence forces.

The operation further revealed shafts utilized for launching rockets, including long-range types capable of reaching central Israel. “We have reached the heart of Hamas’s deployment,” declared Colonel Benny Aharon, the brigade commander. This statement underscores the strategic importance of the discoveries, linking them directly to Hamas's military capabilities.

The Grad Valley, the area of these operations, is notably infamous for its role in launching anti-aircraft fire at Israeli territories during conflicts. The discovery of these deep, significant tunnel shafts in the area marks a critical breakthrough in counterterrorism efforts.

This incident is part of a disturbing pattern where Hamas embeds military assets within civilian infrastructures, including areas inhabited or frequented by children. A notable previous instance was on November 17th, when IDF troops discovered dozens of mortar shells hidden in a kindergarten in northern Gaza. Additionally, the IDF found a range of weapons, including Shoulder-Fired Missiles and Mortar Shells, secreted in the “Al-Karmel” elementary school.

In recent days, the IDF's counterterrorism efforts led to the uncovering of missiles hidden beneath a baby's crib. Furthermore, a tunnel entrance, part of the same network found under Shifa Hospital, was discovered in a building used either as a home school or an afterschool program. These findings not only demonstrate the IDF's vigilance but also highlight the complex challenges posed by Hamas's tactics of using civilian areas for military purposes.

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