Video capture of Knesset session with families of hostages in the Gallery

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reaffirms Israel's unwavering commitment to the safe return of hostages held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Addressing the Knesset in a session marked by loud shouting and emotional pleas from the hostages' families who at times disrupted the Israeli leader with heckling, Netanyahu emphasized the necessity of sustained military pressure to ensure success in this critical mission.

"Our resolve is unshakeable," Netanyahu stated, acknowledging the need for time to strategize effectively, despite urgent calls from relatives for immediate action.

In a global appeal for support, Netanyahu has reached out to international leaders, including Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin, seeking their intervention. Sara Netanyahu has also made a heartfelt appeal to the Pope, underscoring the gravity of the situation.

Netanyahu's declaration, "We arenโ€™t stopping and we wonโ€™t stop until victory because we have no other land and no other path," echoes the deep-rooted determination of the Israeli people in the face of adversity.

As Israel intensifies its military operations in southern Gaza during the Christmas holiday, the IDF, according to their Arabic spokesman Avichay Adraee, has successfully targeted a key Hamas leader. The IDF continues its efforts to minimize civilian harm amidst challenging combat scenarios.

The conflict has seen substantial loss of life. The Hamas-led Palestinian Health Ministry reported high casualty figures without distinguishing between combatants and civilians, a common practice meant to garner sympathy around the world. The IDF has faced significant losses too, with 153 soldiers killed since the ground invasion was initiated following Hamas' aggressive actions on October 7th, which included the killing of 1,300 people and the taking of approximately 240 hostages.

As the situation remains critical, Israel's war Cabinet is convening to deliberate on the hostage crisis among other pressing issues.

Netanyahu, having visited Gaza, assures that Israel's military campaign is far from over and vows to intensify the fight against Hamas. His commitment comes in the wake of international calls for restraint, highlighting Israel's determination to defend its citizens and sovereignty.

The conflict has led to heartbreaking casualties on both sides. Despite Hamas' claims of high Palestinian fatalities being echoed by world leaders, Israel maintains its focus on the liberation of the remaining hostages and the dismantling of Hamas' terror infrastructure.

In a recent meeting, Netanyahu echoed the sentiments of IDF troops, emphasizing the necessity to continue the fight until its conclusive end.

In the backdrop of ongoing hostilities, there have been reports of an Egyptian-proposed ceasefire plan, envisioning a phased release of Israeli hostages and Palestinian prisoners, potentially leading to a suspension of Israel's offensive. Yet, both Israel and Hamas remain cautious amidst these proposals.

This unfolding situation highlights the complex and challenging path Israel treads in its pursuit of peace and security, standing firm against terrorism while seeking a sustainable resolution to the ongoing conflict.

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