Will the end of Hamas lead to a Palestinian State?

A comprehensive post-war strategy for the Gaza Strip, potentially paving the way for a future Palestinian state and broader regional Arab normalization with Israel, is reportedly being formulated by a group of businessmen closely linked to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This initiative, as reported by Ben Caspit of Maariv for The Jerusalem Post, involves a multi-faceted approach, aligning with Netanyahu's strategy of employing multiple envoys in parallel missions, maintaining a level of distance and non-commitment.

The plan, which has reportedly been shared with American officials, remains under wraps, led by a group of businessmen, including one particularly close to Netanyahu. The first phase, as described in the JPost, involves establishing a comprehensive Israeli military government in Gaza. This authority would not only oversee humanitarian aid delivery but also be responsible for the civilian population during a transitional phase.

The subsequent stage hinges on the support of an international Arab coalition, including nations that have normalized relations with Israel and Saudi Arabia, which, before the conflict, was on the cusp of an agreement contingent on progress towards a Palestinian state.

This coalition would endorse the creation of a new Palestinian Authority in Gaza, led by officials not linked to either current President Mahmoud Abbas or the terrorist organization Hamas. This new authority would take over governance from the Israeli military, mirroring the security arrangements in place in the West Bank.

Upon stabilization and success of the new Palestinian Authority in Gaza, the plan envisages this entity implementing significant reforms in the West Bank's current PA, particularly in education and terror management, as well as overall functionality.

The final goal, achievable within two to four years if all stages are successful, is for Israel to acknowledge a defined Palestinian state within territories of the current PA, with additional land considerations also on the table. This ambitious plan, if realized, could mark a significant shift in the longstanding Israeli-Palestinian conflict, potentially leading to a new era of stability and cooperation in the region.

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