PM Netanyahu at an army base in southern Israel (video clip)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has firmly declared that Israel will not acquiesce to international or internal demands for a ceasefire in the conflict with Hamas under conditions that would compromise the nation's objectives. During a visit to the IDF's Sky Rider Unit at Zikim Base, close to the Gaza Strip border, Netanyahu underscored the significant pressures Israel faces to halt the conflict prematurely, pressures aimed at securing a ceasefire that might include unacceptable concessions for the release of hostages held by Hamas.

Netanyahu articulated a steadfast refusal to submit to demands he described as "delusional," ones that would effectively signify a defeat for Israel. His resolve is to continue the military campaign until Israel's strategic goals are fully realized: the dismantlement of Hamas, the safe return of all hostages, and the assurance that Gaza can no longer pose a threat to Israel's security.

The Prime Minister's remarks come in the context of increasing international calls for de-escalation, including a notable appeal from U.S. President Joe Biden for a temporary ceasefire to facilitate the release of hostages before any significant military operation in Gaza, particularly in Rafah. Netanyahu, however, has been clear in his response to such calls, asserting that any hindrance to Israel's military actions in Rafah, a critical juncture in the conflict, is tantamount to an injunction against Israel's victory in this war.

Highlighting the tactical challenges, Netanyahu mentioned the presence of Hamas battalions in Rafah, located along the Egyptian border. This area has become densely populated, housing a significant portion of Gaza's civilian population, which has been displaced due to the ongoing conflict. Israel's strategy includes directing civilians from northern Gaza to safer zones to minimize casualties among the non-combatant population.

Amidst this backdrop, Netanyahu has also called upon the international community, specifically targeting Qatar's influence, to exert pressure on Hamas for the release of the remaining hostages. This appeal follows a series of intermittent negotiations facilitated by Qatar and Egypt, aiming to secure a deal for the hostages' freedom, negotiations that have so far been inconclusive due to Hamas's demands.

Netanyahu's firm stance against a ceasefire that compromises Israel's security and sovereignty reflects a broader determination to ensure that the state does not bend to external pressures that could undermine its strategic objectives. This resolve underscores a commitment to securing a definitive victory against Hamas, ensuring the safety and security of Israeli citizens, and maintaining the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty.

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