Benjamin Netanyahu released from hospital after brief scare (Photo: @Kataeb_Eng, Twitter)

Opposition leader Benjamin Netanyahu was released Thursday morning from Shaare Zedek Hospital, after being hospitalized for the night due to feeling unwell towards the end of the Yom Kippur fast. His office released a statement noting that "all the results of the tests he performed came out completely normal. He has returned to full activity and is already on his way to his morning run."

With three weeks left until the fifth election in three years in Israel, Netanyahu's hospitalization on Yom Kippur can have a profound effect on the vote. A significant portion of the voter pool Netanyahu typically relies on believes that the nation needs a strong leader, physically and mentally. At 72, Netanyahu has already been the subject of numerous editorials and discussions about his age and how it will affect his stamina, to be admitted to the hospital on the holiest day of the year will only add to those concerns. 

Upon his release, Netanyahu thanked the CEO of the Shaare Zedek Medical Center, Professor Ofer Marin, the director of the cardiology department, Dr. Amir Orlev, and the rest of the medical staff. Professor Marin said that he "thanks the medical and nursing staff for the dedicated care and wished Mr. Netanyahu good health and a meaningful year."

Netanyahu, who fasted during Yom Kippur, performed a series of tests at the hospital which all came back, according to his spokesperson, showing no health issues, but after a consultation, it was decided that he would stay overnight for further observation. Netanyahu remained in the intensive care unit and had a CT scan early Thursday morning.

Netanyahu's office informed Israeli reporters late Wednesday night that "Former Prime Minister Netanyahu felt unwell in the synagogue during Neila, the closing prayer service of Yom Kippur. He underwent a series of tests at the hospital which came back normal, and now he feels well." It was also noted that "Netanyahu arrived on his own at the hospital to perform the various examinations." What that means is unknown as car travel is forbidden in Israel during Yom Kippur and the hospital he went to was a far walk for someone having issues. It is assumed that his security detail took him, as opposed to an ambulance as emergency services and police are the only vehicles seen on the roads on a day when children on bicycles and skateboards take advantage of the lack of vehicular traffic.

Shaare Zedek Hospital said that "Netanyahu arrived at the Shaare Zedek Medical Center after not feeling well at the end of the Yom Kippur fast. Immediately upon his arrival, he underwent an evaluation and a series of comprehensive tests which all came back normal. Netanyahu felt well and after consultation, it was decided that he would stay overnight for observation."

Netanyahu is not known for his observant Jewish lifestyle, nonetheless, many non-religious-practicing Israelis observe the Yom Kippur fast, and attend synagogue for the opening prayers called 'Kol Nidre' and the closing prayers. Yom Kippur is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar where Jews spend the day fasting and in repentant prayer. While a solemn day, it is considered a happy occasion and that can be seen mostly in Israel, as children take over the streets and highways of the country.

Prime Minister Yair Lapid tweeted after being notified of the rare occasion: "I wish Benjamin Netanyahu a speedy recovery and return to good health. Health is the most important thing."

Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett also wrote: "I wish the people of Israel many good years, and I wish Benjamin Netanyahu a complete and speedy recovery."  Netanyahu himself wrote on social networks: "Feeling good and thank you all for the support and love. Finished a good and meaningful fast."

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