Nikki Haley speaking May 27th at the site of the Nova Festival massacre (video snippet)

Israel is engaged in a fierce battle against the very enemies of the United States in a conflict masterfully orchestrated by Iran, bolstered by Russian intelligence, and fueled by Chinese money, declared Nikki Haley, former US ambassador to the United Nations and governor of South Carolina, during her recent visit to Israel. Known for her unwavering support for Israel, Haley, a former Republican presidential candidate, spoke with an intensity that left no room for doubt.

During her solidarity visit to the communities near the Gaza Strip, she passionately emphasized the importance of American support for Israel. Just days after declaring her intent to vote for former President Donald Trump, Haley, was resolute in her support for the former President, and determined to ensure her current trip was all about Israel, as she believes the war Israel is fighting is essential for the safety and security of America.

Speaking to Newsmax's Jerusalem correspondent Daniel Cohen, Haley clarified that her trip to Israel is important and stated that aside from showing solidarity with the Jewish State, her visit had a secondary purpose: "My goal is to make sure that every American knows why we should care. We should care because Israel is fighting America's enemies, and that should be reason enough for us to do everything we can to support them."

Haley pointed out that the nearly eight-month-old Israel-Hamas war cannot be resolved with mere political agreements. She stressed that an entire generation of Palestinians have been indoctrinated with the same Muslim Brotherhood Islamist ideology that Hamas was founded on. Haley believes that before any real progress can happen towards peace between Israelis and Palestinians, that deeply ingrained hateful mindset that must be eradicated. The United Arab Emirates and Egypt, two nations that have normalized relations with Israel, have criminalized the Muslim Brotherhood, however that has not stopped many citizens within the region from identifying with the Islamist supremacy the organization preaches.

“Don’t listen to media bites that you hear,” she proclaimed at the site of Sderot’s former police station, which had been a battleground where Hamas invaders once holed up. “America is with you,” she asserted, reinforcing her solidarity with the Israeli people.

Haley's tour took her through Kibbutz Nir Oz and the somber site of the Supernova music festival in the desert, now a makeshift memorial. Reflecting on the horrific cross-border attack of October 7, where terrorists killed approximately 1,200 people and abducted 252 others to Gaza, Haley described it as “one of the most brutal massacres” she has ever witnessed.

“What happened on October 7 is pure evil and can never be forgotten,” she said with conviction. “Imagine if this happened in America on a Sunday. We wouldn’t stop and we wouldn’t let it go.”

Haley left no room for ambiguity, categorically labeling Iran, Russia, and China as accomplices to the atrocities. “If we say ‘Never again’ we have to be truthful: These are all murderers and accomplices,” she declared.

Joined by Knesset member Danny Danon, who served as Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations during Haley’s tenure, she underscored the necessity of destroying Hamas to prevent future atrocities. “I tell my Israeli friends that we should take Hamas at their word,” she warned about Hamas' stated intentions to launch October 7th style attacks over and over again.

Haley's scathing criticism of international bodies was palpable. She condemned recent anti-Israel rulings by international courts in The Hague as “disgusting” and denounced the moment of silence for Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi at the UN as an act she would have defiantly walked out on. She also lambasted the pro-Hamas protests on US college campuses, attributing them to “Arab money” infiltrating American institutions and calling for the eradication of foreign funding.

“There is no gray areas between Iran and Hamas, and freedom-loving countries who want peace,” Haley proclaimed of the Iranian-backed terror groups in the region. “So pick a side. I know which side I am on.”

Amidst a blistering heatwave in the desert known in Israel as a "sharav", Haley walked through the ravaged homes of Nir Oz, where one in four residents was either killed or abducted. She then visited the music festival site, where over 300 people were murdered in cold blood on that tragic Shabbat. The sight of the devastation moved her deeply, especially as she thought of her own children. “You can’t walk through that [speaking of the grounds where the Nova festival took place] without feeling a tremendous amount of emotion,” she remarked.

Haley's itinerary included a visit to Israel's northern border with Lebanon, where Hezbollah's increased rocket fire has wreaked havoc on homes, forests, and agricultural fields. The Iranian proxy's attacks since October 8 have resulted in the deaths of 24 people, including 10 civilians, and forced the evacuation of over 100,000 residents. This strategic displacement has been crucial in minimizing casualties.

Nikki Haley’s visit was a powerful demonstration of solidarity and a stark reminder of the relentless fight against evil, calling on America and the world to stand unequivocally with Israel.

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