Video capture of a cctv feed the moment a black car explodes by a checkpoint

In a series of coordinated operations, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), Shin Bet, and other security forces launched targeted actions against terrorist elements following a car explosion in the West Bank. The incident, which took place near the Palestinian village of Tubas, located close to Jenin, saw a car bomb explode overnight without causing any casualties, as reported by Israeli media.

This car bombing is part of a troubling pattern of similar incidents in the region. Israeli security forces have indicated that such events are linked to efforts by terrorist cells to establish a foothold in the Jenin and Tulkarm areas, according to N12.

One significant operation occurred within the Ephraim Brigade's jurisdiction, focusing on Kalkilia and its surrounding villages. This operation led to the arrest of 11 individuals wanted in connection with Hamas, a known terrorist organization. In addition to these arrests, nine weapons were seized, highlighting the persistent threat posed by extremist groups in the area. The detained suspects have been handed over to security forces for further interrogation. Notably, there were no reported injuries among the Israeli troops involved in these operations.

Simultaneously, IDF troops, alongside the Border Guard, Israel Police, and the Civil Administration, provided security for Jewish pilgrims visiting Joseph's Tomb on the outskirts of Nablus in Samaria (northern West Bank). During this operation, soldiers encountered gunfire, to which they responded promptly. There were no injuries or damage reported among Israeli forces. However, according to Palestinian sources, one Palestinian was injured by live fire, and thirteen others sustained injuries from rubber bullets during clashes with Israeli forces upon their entry into Nablus.

The site of Joseph's Tomb has been a focal point of unrest. In April, the tomb was twice vandalized and set on fire by Palestinian vandals. The Samaria Regional Council, representing Jewish settlements in the area, has since repaired the damage, and this recent visit marks the first by Jewish pilgrims since the shrine's restoration.  At times, brave souls sneak into the compound to pray, however more often than not they are met with a violent mob as happened this past Tuesday. Under the terms of the Oslo Accords, Jewish heritage sites like Joseph's tomb are to be made available for Israelis to visit. The Palestinian Authority has rarely assisted in facilitating these visits, however, like on Tuesday, they have helped diffuse Palestinian violence on Jewish worshippers.

These security measures are part of broader, ongoing efforts to combat terrorism in the region. Since the beginning of the conflict, approximately 4,150 individuals wanted in connection with terrorist activities have been arrested, with a significant number linked to Hamas.

As investigations into the car bomb incident continue, security forces remain on high alert. The situation underscores the critical need for ongoing cooperation and coordination among security agencies to address and mitigate security threats in Judea and Samaria.

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