An IDF armored unit in Shejaiya (Hamas Telegram video snippet)

In a relentless campaign marked by exceptional bravery and precision, IDF troops have been operating with unwavering intensity in Shejaiya, Gaza. Over the past 24 hours, our forces have struck significant blows against terrorist networks, dismantling underground tunnel routes and eliminating dozens of terrorists. In an extraordinary display of combat prowess, IDF soldiers engaged and neutralized seven terrorists in a single close-quarters encounter.

Precision Strikes in Rafah and Central Gaza

The IDF continues its methodical and intelligence-driven operations in Rafah. In a recent targeted strike, Israeli aircraft eliminated multiple armed terrorists who posed an imminent threat to our forces. These precision strikes are integral to our strategy, ensuring the safety of our troops and the dismantling of terrorist infrastructure.

Central Gaza has also seen intense IDF activity, with numerous aerial strikes resulting in the elimination of terrorists and the destruction of key terrorist facilities. The IDF’s air capabilities, including fighter jets and drones, have been instrumental in these efforts, striking over 50 terrorist targets across the Gaza Strip in the past day alone.

Concentrated Operations in Gaza City’s Shejaiya and Beyond

Our troops, particularly those of the 98th Division, have been engaged in fierce combat in Shejaiya, displaying unmatched courage and tactical superiority. Dozens of gunmen have been neutralized through close-quarters combat, tank shelling, and coordinated airstrikes. The destruction of several tunnels in this area further cripples the operational capabilities of terrorist groups.

In southern Gaza’s Rafah, the 162nd Division utilized drone technology to effectively eliminate several gunmen. Meanwhile, the 99th Division's airstrikes in central Gaza targeted and dismantled significant terror operatives and infrastructure, showcasing our multi-faceted approach to combating terrorism.

Honoring the Fallen: Captain Elay Elisha Lugasi

The IDF mourns the loss of a valiant officer, Cpt. Elay Elisha Lugasi, 21, who served as a team commander in the 7th Armored Brigade’s 75th Battalion. Captain Lugasi, from Kiryat Shmona, was tragically killed during the fierce fighting in Gaza City’s Shejaiya. His bravery and dedication to Israel’s security will forever be remembered. In the same incident, three other soldiers from the 75th Battalion sustained serious injuries, highlighting the profound sacrifices made by our troops.

Captain Lugasi’s death brings the total number of Israeli casualties in the ongoing ground offensive against Hamas and military operations along the Gaza border to 323. His sacrifice, along with those of his fallen comrades, underscores the immense challenges and dangers faced by our brave soldiers.

Conclusion: Unyielding Resolve Against Terrorism

The IDF remains steadfast in its mission to protect Israel and eradicate the threat posed by terrorist organizations in Gaza. Through coordinated ground operations, precision airstrikes, and unwavering bravery, our forces continue to strike fear into the hearts of those who seek to harm our nation. The sacrifices of our soldiers fuel our resolve, ensuring that every terrorist eliminated brings us one step closer to lasting peace and security.

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