A Hamas mourning poster proving those killed were militants

A meticulously planned counterterrorism operation by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) led to the elimination of Ashraf Nafa, the head of Hamas' military branch in Tulkarem. This significant achievement marks a critical victory in the ongoing battle against terrorism.

Details of the Operation

In a joint effort, the IDF, Israel Security Agency (ISA), and Israeli Border Police conducted a high-stakes counterterrorism operation overnight in the Tulkarem area. This operation is part of a broader series of over 50 counterterrorism initiatives in the region since the onset of the war.

Drone Strikes and Ground Combat

The operation featured the use of advanced drone technology and intense ground combat. IDF soldiers engaged in fierce exchanges of fire with armed terrorists and successfully dismantled numerous explosive devices planted beneath roadways. The strategic use of an Israel Air Force (IAF) drone was pivotal, striking several terrorists from various organizations. These terrorists were actively involved in plotting and executing attacks against IDF soldiers and the State of Israel.

Key Targets Eliminated

Among the eliminated targets was Ashraf Nafa, a high-ranking Hamas operative responsible for manufacturing and embedding explosives aimed at IDF soldiers. Nafa was also instrumental in recruiting new operatives and had participated in numerous attacks in Judea and Samaria. His elimination is a significant blow to Hamas' operational capabilities in the region.

Additional Eliminations and Arrests

Another key figure eliminated during the operation was Muhammad Awad, who played a critical role in orchestrating shooting attacks against IDF soldiers. Awad was also involved in raising funds for terrorist activities and procuring weaponry for local battalions. The neutralization of these high-profile terrorists underscores the IDF's commitment to dismantling terror infrastructure and maintaining security.

Two women were killed as well, one posing as a paramedic. The IDF says they were part of the terror group and a video posted to Telegram this morning shows a female paramedic walking with Nafa and Awad while holding an AK-47. The Palestinian Authority as usual, portrayed these events as an IDF murder of 5 peaceful citizens, playing up the fact that a woman was killed without mentioning the video uploaded by Palestinians showing the machine gun in the female's hand. The Palestinian official news agency WAFA claimed that the second woman was the daughter of the paramedic.

Ongoing Operations and Recent Clashes

Since the beginning of the war on October 7, when Hamas terrorists launched a brutal invasion of southern Israel, the IDF has been relentless in its counterterrorism efforts. The IDF has conducted intensive ground operations, arresting hundreds of suspects and dismantling terror networks. Earlier this month, the IDF suffered casualties when Palestinian terrorists in the Nur Shams camp, east of Tulkarem, killed one soldier and seriously wounded another.

Rising Terrorism in Judea and Samaria

The year 2023 has seen a dramatic increase in Palestinian terrorist attacks in Judea and Samaria, with shooting incidents reaching their highest levels since the Second Intifada of 2000-2005. The IDF's proactive stance and rigorous operations are vital in countering this escalating threat.

Government Response and Future Actions

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has emphasized the necessity of eradicating terrorism wherever it emerges. Following recent attacks, Smotrich called for immediate and decisive government action, stating that even Tulkarem must be targeted if necessary to ensure security.


The IDF's successful elimination of high-profile Hamas operatives in Tulkarem is a testament to their strategic prowess and unwavering commitment to safeguarding Israel. As the battle against terrorism continues, the IDF remains vigilant and prepared to take whatever measures are necessary to protect the nation and its people.

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