The car explosion was caught on CCTV (video snippet/Telegram)

In a devastating turn of events, the city of Ramle in central Israel was shaken to its core today as a massive car explosion left at least thirteen people injured, several of whom are in critical condition. The explosion, which occurred earlier on Thursday, has not only sparked a raging fire that quickly spread to nearby stores but also ignited fears and concerns throughout the community. Early reports claim that the explosion was the result of an IED, however this has not been confirmed as of yet by Israeli Police.

The Blast and Immediate Aftermath

According to Magen David Adom (MDA), Israel’s emergency medical service, the injured were promptly attended to at the scene of the explosion. The victims include a wide range of ages, highlighting the indiscriminate nature of the blast’s impact. Among the critically injured are four children: a two-month-old baby, a 5-year-old girl, a 10-year-old boy, and a 15-year-old girl. The severity of their injuries has shocked the nation, with medical teams working tirelessly to stabilize them at Shamir Medical Center and Kaplan Medical Center.

Additionally, a 50-year-old woman is also fighting for her life, while another adult is in serious condition. Two others, a 52-year-old man and a 59-year-old woman, have sustained moderate injuries. The remaining five victims, though suffering from minor wounds, are still receiving medical care as a precautionary measure.

The Response and Investigation

The Israel Police wasted no time in responding to the explosion. Central District Police Commander Avi Bitton personally arrived at the scene, overseeing the efforts to secure the area and ensure the safety of the public. Bomb squads meticulously examined the wreckage of the vehicle to rule out any further threats. Early on, the police announced that they are treating the incident as a "criminal" act, swiftly dispelling initial fears of a terror attack.

As the investigation progressed, Magen David Adom updated the number of injured to 13. Despite the magnitude of the explosion, police have now ruled out the possibility that it was caused by a bomb. Instead, investigators are exploring other avenues, including the chilling possibility that a grenade or Molotov cocktail was hurled at the vehicle, leading to the catastrophic explosion.

A City on Edge: Ramle's Troubled History

This tragic incident in Ramle comes on the heels of another violent event that took place less than 24 hours earlier. On Wednesday night, a 40-year-old man was gunned down in the yard of a home in Ramle. Despite being rushed to the hospital in critical condition, he succumbed to his injuries shortly thereafter. Police have launched an investigation into the shooting and are actively searching for the suspect involved.

Ramle, a city known for its mixed Muslim and Jewish population, has been grappling with a rising wave of crime. The city’s troubled history with organized crime, often linked to "honor" attacks within Muslim families and violent rivalries between clans, has made it a hotspot for such tragic incidents. The explosion and the recent shooting underscore the volatility that continues to plague this community.

Conclusion: A City in Mourning

As Ramle reels from the horror of today’s explosion and the recent shooting, the community finds itself united in grief and fear. The images of young children fighting for their lives and the echoes of past violence serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by this historic city. As investigations continue, the residents of Ramle—and indeed, the whole of Israel—are left to ponder the causes and consequences of these violent acts.

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