Some say Sinwar would use the deal to declare victory to rally Palestinian insurgents

In the midst of stalled negotiations and rising tensions over the fate of hostages held by Hamas, a secret plan has been quietly crafted behind the scenes—one that could bring a dramatic end to the ongoing conflict in Gaza. This alternative proposal, shrouded in secrecy until now, has the potential to not only secure the release of all hostages but also to exile Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar, fundamentally reshaping the future of the Gaza Strip.

A Bold New Proposal

According to a recent report by Israel's public broadcaster Kan News, the new proposal was presented by Gal Hirsch, Israel's point man on the hostage crisis, to American officials. The plan outlines a comprehensive, one-step solution to the complex situation: the immediate release of all hostages in exchange for a ceasefire and the safe passage of Sinwar and his top associates out of Gaza.

This proposed deal, if accepted, would mark the end of the war, bringing an immediate cessation to hostilities in the Gaza Strip. The plan also includes the release of Palestinian prisoners held in Israel, the demilitarization of Gaza, and the establishment of a new governance structure for the region. Though details are scarce, the proposal represents a significant departure from the current phased negotiation strategy, which has thus far yielded little progress.

American Involvement and Strategic Shifts

U.S. officials have reportedly expressed growing frustration with the existing phased approach, which has failed to gain traction. There is a strong belief that the only way forward is to bypass the intermediate stages and implement a single, decisive action. This shift in strategy reflects the increasing pressure from hostage families and the broader public, who are becoming increasingly disillusioned with the drawn-out process.

Gal Hirsch, who has been at the forefront of the negotiations, briefed hostage families on this new approach last week during a meeting with high-level U.S. officials from the White House and State Department. The proposal, dubbed the "Safe Passage Deal," is seen as a "Plan B"—a necessary alternative given the impasse in current talks.

The Sinwar Dilemma: Exile or Elimination?

One of the most controversial aspects of the plan is the safe passage out of Gaza for Yahya Sinwar, the de facto leader of Hamas in Gaza. The proposal suggests that Sinwar, instead of being targeted for elimination, would be allowed to leave Gaza under international supervision. This element of the deal has reportedly been met with resistance within Israel and among some of its allies, yet it remains a pivotal component of the proposed agreement.

According to sources, Sinwar has made it clear to Egyptian intermediaries that his safety must be guaranteed as part of any deal. This demand has been relayed to top Israeli officials, who are now weighing the potential benefits of his exile versus the risks of allowing him to escape unpunished.

Unity and Public Support: The Driving Forces

The single-stage deal is gaining momentum not only because of its strategic implications but also due to the growing divide among hostage families. Relatives of soldiers and younger hostages argue that the phased approach could spell doom for those not included in the initial releases. By consolidating the negotiation into one comprehensive agreement, proponents believe it will garner broader public support and unify the families behind a single cause.

International Oversight and the Future of Gaza

The proposed deal also includes provisions for international oversight of Gaza's disarmament and governance. Several options are being considered for this multinational force, ranging from American troops to contingents from Sunni Arab states, or even private security firms tasked with safeguarding critical areas.

If the deal falls through within a specified timeframe, Israel would retain the right to re-enter Gaza, ensuring that the terms are strictly adhered to. This contingency reflects the high stakes involved and the deep mistrust that still lingers on all sides.

A Historic Turning Point?

As the clock ticks and tensions mount, this secret plan represents a potential turning point in the Gaza conflict. Whether it will be embraced by all parties remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the situation is fluid, and the stakes have never been higher. The world watches and waits to see if this bold new proposal will finally bring peace to a region that has known too little of it for far too long.

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