A building in Lebanon explodes after an Israeli strike (video snippet)

In the early hours of Day 2 of Operation Northern Arrows, Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed terrorist organization entrenched in Lebanon, unleashed a wave of rocket attacks on northern Israel. The calculated and ferocious onslaught, which began under the cover of darkness, left residents of Israel’s northern communities scrambling for shelter.

Dawn Assaults: The Day Begins with Devastation

The first of several punishing barrages was launched at 2:40 am, targeting a broad range of communities, from Nof HaGalil to the region west of Afula, extending down to Zichron Yaakov—a significant target, located a staggering 60 kilometers from Israel's northern border. This relentless assault, lasting 25 minutes, struck multiple locations, including the IDF’s Ramat David and Amos airbases. The timing and scale of this attack were intended not only to shock but to paralyze the northern region of the country.

Hezbollah Expands its Target Range

At the crack of dawn, at 6:00 am, the rockets rained down on Nahariya, Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv, and Sa’ar, spreading panic among residents and causing damage to infrastructure. Only an hour later, at 7:43 am, Hezbollah's missiles targeted an even broader area, including Moreshet, Bar Lev (an industrial zone), Kiryat Ata, Kiryat Bialik, and their surrounding regions. The rockets fired in this wave further demonstrated the enemy’s ability to strike deeper into Israeli territory, intending to cripple both civilian and economic activities.

Intensifying the Onslaught: Late Morning Barrages

By mid-morning, the attacks escalated further. At 9:36 am, a coordinated rocket assault hit the valley areas, including Afula, Migdal HaEmek, and Nazareth. Simultaneously, numerous rockets were aimed at smaller communities, railway stations, and key regional infrastructure in HaYogev, Tzipori, Kfar Baruch, and Reyna. Less than five minutes later, another barrage at 9:40 am struck Metula, Kiryat Shmona, Kfar Giladi, and other locations along Israel's northern border, sowing destruction and fear.

The crescendo of Hezbollah’s attack came at 10:32 am when the terrorist group fired a 20-minute rocket storm. This particularly vicious assault targeted 12 different locations, including Kfar Nahar HaYarden, Sdei Ilan, Golani Junction, and Kibbutz Dan, among others. The speed and ferocity of these attacks left little time for response, pushing Israeli defense systems and emergency responders to the brink.

Missiles of Terror: Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 Unleashed

Hezbollah's arsenal during these relentless attacks prominently featured the Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 missiles—long-range, highly destructive rockets that have been in their inventory since the Second Lebanon War of 2006. The Fadi-1 missile, named in honor of Hezbollah operative Fadi al-Tawi, who was eliminated by Israel in 1987, is a tactical weapon with a range of approximately 70 kilometers. Its 83-kilogram warhead can wreak havoc upon impact, sending shockwaves far beyond its blast radius.

Even more alarming is the Fadi-2 missile. With a deadly 170-kilogram warhead and a range of up to 100 kilometers, this missile can penetrate deep into Israeli territory, posing a grave threat to civilians and military installations alike. Reports from the ALMA Research and Education Center indicate that the Fadi-2 is based on the Syrian-made M-302 rocket, a variant of the Chinese WS-1 rocket. The Fadi series represents a tactical evolution for Hezbollah, with enhancements likely facilitated by Iran, further increasing the group's destructive capacity.

Weaponized by Syria, Empowered by Iran

The Fadi-1 and Fadi-2 missiles represent the synergy between Hezbollah, Syria, and Iran. According to ALMA’s analysis, the Fadi-1 is believed to be derived from the Syrian M-220 rocket, itself a modification of the Soviet 9M27 rocket, utilized in the Uragan multiple-launch system. In Hezbollah’s hands, these rockets have been adapted, with their warheads modified for maximum range and lethality. The Fadi-2’s lineage traces back to Syria's M-302 rocket, a fearsome variant that was used with devastating effect in the 2006 conflict with Israel.

This intricate web of technological transfers and military expertise underscores the growing sophistication of Hezbollah’s arsenal. The group’s access to these weapons is part of a broader Iranian effort to equip its proxy forces in the region, in a clear attempt to destabilize the Middle East and threaten Israel’s security on multiple fronts.

The Real Threat: A Prelude to a Wider Conflict?

The scope, precision, and frequency of Hezbollah's attacks on Day 2 of Operation Northern Arrows suggest more than just sporadic acts of aggression—they are a calculated attempt to draw Israel into a wider regional conflict. By targeting key northern cities, military bases, and infrastructure, Hezbollah aims to erode Israel's defensive posture while inciting fear among the civilian population.

The international community must take note of these developments. Hezbollah’s brazen use of Iranian and Syrian-supplied rockets is a clear violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions and serves as yet another indicator of Iran’s malign influence in the region. As Hezbollah grows more emboldened, so too does the risk of full-scale war.

Israel's Resolve: Defending the Homeland

Despite the intensity of Hezbollah's attacks, Israel remains resolute. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) have responded with precision strikes aimed at degrading Hezbollah's infrastructure while protecting Israeli citizens. But the road ahead is fraught with danger, as the terrorist organization’s vast stockpile of rockets—reportedly in the tens of thousands—presents an ongoing existential threat to the Jewish state.

In the face of this aggression, Israel continues to defend its sovereignty and the safety of its citizens, knowing that any sign of weakness will embolden not just Hezbollah, but all those who seek Israel’s destruction.

As Operation Northern Arrows unfolds, one thing is certain: Hezbollah's aggression will be met with the full force of Israeli might, determined to protect its people and its homeland from any and all threats.

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